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Author Topic: Linux/Windows flame wars  (Read 7315 times)


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Re: Linux/Windows flame wars
« on: November 25, 2010, 09:49:10 PM »
linux is a glorious unix clone but nothing more than a clone.
osx is an (worse than linux) unix clone for posers and those who wanna be alternative even knowing that the big brother is out there sucking their blood and spitting smoke in their brain.
windows is the only original thing out there. made by an evil demon. but sometimes demons may be shy (ask to deep purple).
linus thorvald has been kidnapped by the aliens.
steve jobs makes money killing chinese workers.
bill and belinda gates gives his (not their, just his) money in charity to the poor.
commodore usa ceo is making a big amiga (BIG AMIGA) based on a big cpu: the xxx86. And a proprietary os: osama...
Let's flame on this...
I\'m not an heretic: an heretic is a morphos user! I\'m a perverted: i\'m an aros user!
edit:...i\'m now an heretic perverted... i\'m a morpharosian...
Evil has no limits... I\'ve even os4.1 too...
Is there in my house any space to sleep still?