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Author Topic: New A-EON Technology Website now live!  (Read 20664 times)


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Offline djrikki

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Re: New A-EON Technology Website now live!
« on: April 15, 2010, 12:11:48 AM »
Sure the website isn't as good as say Apple's but it is much neater than that What is X? shit  they had going, but nevertheless they should employ a web design agency to design the site from scratch.  Flash is pretty common nowadays on most sites and yes I know there are issues on Amigas not being able to show flash - albeit if A-EON and the wider Amiga community want new users they should use it extensively on their site.  There is always the option to have a Non-Flash site link.

The only real visible grumble I have about the current design is 1) the click to register for updates button is TOO close to the text above and 2) the blue Amiga windows have to go or at least updated for 2010 (and in Amiga OS 4.x).

On another note, I have managed to get AROS running through VMWare on my Mac and wow did Microsoft steal the task bar from it for Windows 7?  The way the windows/applications shrink down bares a great deal of resemblance.
It won't surprise me in the slightest if they did.

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Re: New A-EON Technology Website now live!
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2010, 12:52:58 PM »
As a relatively new user to this site I am appalled by the person who posted that image and ask why he has not been banned or given a warning and the image removed.

This forum is strange.  A forum dedicated to the Amiga platform yet so many Amiga-haters on here its quite odd.  Is there a Whinger thread these people can go to?  Or perhaps you should think about why you are here in the first place if you have to be so negative and let everyone know about it.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 12:55:51 PM by djrikki »

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Re: New A-EON Technology Website now live!
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2010, 09:46:05 AM »
Its interesting all this debate about what hardware the new Amiga will come with, but more than anything else I would like to hear what Amiga OS 4.x or 5 will come with as default.

Its all good and well saying to everyone to use application X or do Y you will need to download Z, but so many things come as standard in an operating system these days.  Apart from a web browser as standard which yes most home Windows users would replace with FireFox; there is a huge new of applications and OS features that come bundled. So I am keen to find out what AmigaOS includes and what it plans to support.

Here is a short list of must-supports which shouldn't require additional software to download in no particular order.

*Please in mind I haven't owned an Amiga since circa '97 so of this may already be in there. (Without downloading additional software guys!)

Wireless devices
Mail Application
Address Book
All encompassing Picture Viewer that opens anything
TextWrangler or equivalent
Easy scripting language similar to AppleScript (Arexx? Does that read like english?)
PDF Reader
A suite of games, Chess and Backgammon.
FTP Client
Easy system-wide search tool, eg. Spotlight
CD/DVD Player (Blu-Ray doesn't matter it will never take off)
Webcam Support
Multiuser Log-in Support
New colour scheme, window 'feel' and operation with dockbar
A new file requester (god-damn essential!)
Extensive drag 'n' drop support
Sticky note application
Screen Grabber
'You downloaded this application on 18/04/10 at 09:34, link to Url, open application?' ... support
FTP Mounter with read/write
SMB Mounter or preferably Auto-detect, a feature which OSX isn't very clever at
Java Support so we can get such applications like OpenOffice or NeoOffice ported.


So there you go.  Perhaps some of this comes with Amiga OS 4.1 already?

Another question I'd like to have answered.  Does Hyperion have an answer to the Apple Developer Connection to assist in future software development?

Finally are there third-party developers that will give Hyperion exclusive rights to embed their software in AmigaOS as a standard feature?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 11:02:36 AM by djrikki »

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Re: New A-EON Technology Website now live!
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2010, 03:14:15 PM »
Quote from: kolla;554183
Any program that supports datatypes already does this.

 Why does it matter? Most amiga users are not English. A language that reads more like German would be excellent for a change, lisp with operator at the end instead of at the beginning :lol:

 I dont agree, the ASL requesters are one of the very few things in AmigaOS that holds water - no-nonsense and to the point.

 Sounds to me that OSX is what you want. I'm quite confident that if you were to sit down with AmigaOS 4.1, you'd be disappointed as heck - it really is not much more than old AmigaOS 3.x ported to powerpc and some bling added :)

 Hehe.. nope, they just ramble around on certain websites, like the rest of us.

1. I didn't mean literally english.  I meant 'basic' like commands and structure, hmm lets make a quick example, it reads very human-like.

set thefolder to choose folder
tell application "Finder"
   set foldercontents to the kind of every file of folder (thefolder)
end tell

result: {"HTML document", "TextWrangler Document", "NeoOffice Document", "Script", "Plain text", "Plain text", "Script", "Portable Network Graphics image", "Workflow", "Plain text", "HTML document", "Plain text"}

2. ASL requesters are crap, can't imagine many people share your love for them as they need some serious work.

3. I already use OSX ^.^.

4. I've installed AROS and taken a look at it and gone through a list of must-haves in AmigaOS.

5. Okay so there is a picture viewer included cool, but I said all-encompassing.  Would I have to download datatypes for something standard these days as a Gif?

Thanks for the quick reply, but I am contributing here to advance the AmigaOS with feature requests and set out what I believe should be bundled as standard.  I am quite content with my current system specs which are Mac Mini and iMac - both intel. :)

Like I said elsewhere I haven't been around Amiga for the last 14 years so I don't share many peoples disbelief and disappointments that it won't progress beyond a hobbyist machine.  With the right investment and marketing it can still go places.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 03:17:35 PM by djrikki »

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Re: New A-EON Technology Website now live!
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2010, 05:16:17 PM »
(If that's a genuine example then it's both hideous and inconsistent. I mean why have such (tediously) verbose human-friendly language syntax and have the result presented as if it were a C-style declaration of an array of strings?

const char* result[] = { "Foo", "Bar", etc"};  /* look familiar */)

After all, proponents of "let's have really human-readable language syntax" usually despise C above all else.)

Its not a programming language, its a scripting language (I was originally referring to ARexx?), you don't generally write applications with it.  You use it to say as one example, take a webpage, convert it to a pdf, upload it to a ftp server (usually via unix 'Curl' command) and perhaps inform email users afterwards.

The script that I gave as an example basically opens a file requester, prompting the user for a folder and returns the file types of every folder in it.

Yeah, it is meant to verbose to allow novices to pick it up and learn it.

(Enjoy it, then. Is there a reason you want every other OS to behave like it?)

Yeah I do like it and I don't expect every OS to behave like it, but you must agree that every OS must have a set of widely used and accepted tools as standard?  :-)

(AROS is not AmigaOS, it's an AmigaOS clone (for want of a better word). In some respects it's more advanced, in others it's less.)

I know this and I am sure you are right, I've used it as an example.


I haven't done any real hands-on programming for years, I always wanted to get into making games and such like having studied C+ at college many years ago now.  Life took me in a different direction hehe.

Does the programming language Amiga E still exist?  Is it still supported?

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Re: New A-EON Technology Website now live!
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2010, 05:22:30 PM »
Quote from: Tripitaka;554749
I'm way too tight to pay for batteries and I prefer a keyboard my bios can see.

Way too tight for batteries.. me too my TV hasn't had new batteries for over 5 years.  I keep rubbing them, breathing on them or swap them with something else.  I don't believe in batteries this day and age.  A wireless mouse and keyboard is like taking a step back for me.