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Author Topic: New Amiga site?  (Read 4584 times)


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Offline Doobrey

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Re: New Amiga site?
« on: October 04, 2004, 11:41:42 PM »

Wayne wrote:
 So, a bigger question is, which way should we go, or should we bother doing anything?

 Humpfff.. If it was my decision, I`d dump the unused domain names and look at putting the new ideas into a sub-site with it`s own identity. Maybe even sharing the login, so people could log into amiga.org, browse about etc, then head off to os4.amiga.org and do whatever over there with the same username & pm box etc.

 As for Amiga.org, I love it the way it is..warts and all.
I know Wayne has made it no secret that he dislikes the coffee house forums, but I think they`re an invaluable part of the site, as it acts as a sandpit to keep all the religious& political rants out of the main Amiga forums, and gives space for everyone to get to know everyone a bit better.
 I dunno, they just make the site feel alive, instead of a sterile "Amiga-holics" meeting place.
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