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Author Topic: Forum Moderation Techniques  (Read 15971 times)


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Offline Wain

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Re: Forum Moderation Techniques
« on: February 04, 2004, 08:41:59 PM »
WOW!!!  If all of Amiga.org isn't just a huge pile of self-righteousness this week!

Okay look, here's the deal.  Nobody thinks anybody else is stupid, nobody is going out of their way to offend anyone else, and on the rare occasion that someone is we get to see "removed by ...... - personal attack"  as you will see earlier in this thread.

I think the moderation on this site is wonderful.  The moderators allow threads to go off-topic if they don't get out of hand, and they're very good at pulling the reins in when things do get too touchy.

So a thread got locked because people were bickering...WHO CARES???

If there's some VITAL piece of information that you just have to contribute, THEN START ANOTHER THREAD.  It's not hard, you see that little button at the top of the message section that says "Post New Topic"???? Click it and post a new topic!

This new thread,  just like the one before it, will be allowed to continue peacefully by moderators unless it breaks down into another bitch session, which hopefully won't happen because it has now been made obvious that this is unacceptable behavior.  

If it does happen, and is started again by the same people, I trust that the moderators here will move on to issuing personal warnings to those particular people.

It's not like someone locked the thread immediately after someone gave the specs of a Pegasos or AmigaOne, and gave a reason of "the other machine is crap and this discussion doesn't need to continue"

Geez people, get off your high-horses already!  Not only are you dealing with a seriously fragmented community of computer users, all who have their own choices and opinions regarding software and hardware, but it's also an international community, comprised of completely different societies and rules of etiquette.

A moderator has EVERY right to close a thread whenever they see fit.  We have several moderators for a reason; in order to stop the others from intentionally, or unintentionally abusing their power.

If you feel that you are being unfairly persecuted by a moderator, perhaps you should have someone else you know take a look at your posts to give you an honest opinion, particularly if you're not posting in your native tongue, it's possible something was just written, implied, or inferred wrongly, it's also possible that your an arrogant prick who needs to learn to check your ego in at the door, get someone you trust to take a look and see what they think.

Most importantly PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T FORGET, that in a horribly fragmented, international community, there are BOUND to be mix-ups, and misunderstandings, don't jump up and down screaming at a moderator(or anyone else for that matter) "I'M RIGHT!! I'M RIGHT!!" without at least bothering to message someone for some clarification.  

The reason I like this site is because nobody's really out to get anybody else except for the possibility of several of us being out to get DommMaster!  :-D
Professional Expatriate