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Author Topic: GPL MorphOS?  (Read 9820 times)


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Offline Jope

Re: GPL MorphOS?
« on: April 05, 2003, 02:19:30 PM »
Amiga died due to being closed. You can't argue with that.

.. No, it didn't.

Amiga died because Commodore went bankrupt.

The controlling force behind the Amiga market disappeared, and all that was left was a bunch of diehards (some owned a company, some didn't), who all wanted to pull the block of stone called Amiga their own separate ways.

If Apple had gone under when it was going through rough periods, I bet the same thing would have happened to the Mac too in the end.

Offline Jope

Re: GPL MorphOS?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2003, 04:09:03 PM »

falemagn wrote:

Jope wrote:
No, it didn't.

Amiga died because Commodore went bankrupt.

And how does that contraddict what he said?

Well, my opinion is that the Amiga's progress wouldn't have been any better even if the OS had been open source.

What would the new developers have migrated to back then? x86? I don't think so, the anti PC opinions were even stronger and more common back in '94, no open PPC mobos were out there, etc.

I guess I shouldn't have voiced my opinion either - the subject in question isn't very straight forward and it's rather hard to know what alternate futures bring without living them out yourself. :-D