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Author Topic: Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge  (Read 4457 times)


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Offline amigasocietyTopic starter

Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge
« on: July 21, 2010, 01:09:46 AM »
So, I pick up tomorrow a Mac Mini 1.25GHz that has 160GB HDD internal and a external LaCie Hub/250GB HDD.  Downloading the .iso now and plan on burning the CD on my Macbook Air so I am ready to try this whole MorphOS thing out.

Wish me luck.  8-)

I have minimal Amiga experience but lots of Mac know-how but this OS looks nice in that it is speedy so that is my goal, have an OS that is fast.  Being able to run Amiga apps is a plus.

AmigaOne A1222 (Tabor)
AmigaOne X5000

Offline amigasocietyTopic starter

Re: Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2010, 01:22:42 AM »
Quote from: zylesea;571249
I guess if you're not an Amiga user recently i guess you'll probably need a little time to find yourself convenient. A few things work different than on other systems, but all in all most things (incl. installation) are very forward.

If you don't want to wipe out OS X completely you should read the dual boot tutorial by Piru -> dreamolers.binaryriot.org/dualboot.pdf

Just play around and don't hesitate to ask questions here, at morphzone #morphos or #?

Yup, already downloaded the dual boot infos.


AmigaOne A1222 (Tabor)
AmigaOne X5000

Offline amigasocietyTopic starter

Re: Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 02:16:29 AM »
Quote from: amigadave;571259
A perfect example of the success of MorphOS!  A former Amiga user (even ones with limited experience) that then moved on to a Mac is now returning to Amiga via MorphOS on Mac PPC hardware.

I would say that the MorphOS Development Team hit a "Bulls-Eye" in their targeted market.

Almost my story but not quite.  I am actually originally an Atari user from 70s to 90s to then move onto Mac.  Saw this new X1000 coming this year in the news and purchased my first Amiga, a A1000, and now interested in Amiga.  :roflmao:

Before 2010, I never owned an Amiga but figured I would get one someday.  It has impressed me enough to continue watching the X1000 news and along the way, since I am a machead, saw this MorphOS and liked what I have seen so far.

So, I am giving it a dabble soon.

AmigaOne A1222 (Tabor)
AmigaOne X5000

Offline amigasocietyTopic starter

Re: Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2010, 02:21:53 AM »
Quote from: zylesea;571249

Just play around and don't hesitate to ask questions here, at morphzone #morphos or #?

So, tell me this.  I subscribe to AmigaFuture Magazine.  It comes with a CD every issue.  Will I be able to insert that CD in my MorphOS Mini and actually use the Amiga apps that come on the CD?  Is Amiga compatibility fairly good in that aspect or will I really only be able to download MorphOS apps from the net and use those?

AmigaOne A1222 (Tabor)
AmigaOne X5000

Offline amigasocietyTopic starter

Re: Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2010, 07:06:42 AM »
Quote from: haywirepc;571459
Let us know how you like it and how your experience with it goes...


Well, installed and booting now.  I wiped out the mini's OS X and re-installed a fresh 10.5 on it after making my 3 partitions.  Then installed MorphOS.  Have not played with it much yet but 1st observation, that it does not save the state of the windows the way I set them up.  They open in their original spot and size.  Maybe this is an Amiga thing and I have to do something for sizes and movements of windows to stick.  Anyway..... I do have some questions for those MorphOS gurus.

Install seemed to go fine.  At the end where my dual boot .PDF tells me this is what my window should look like right before I click the INSTALL button, mine only showed the 20GB MorphOS DH1 partition.  My 1st partition DH0 was renamed to Boot as it asked and my DH1 was renamed Morph but only the DH1 Morph showed in that last window where I then clicked install, all did what it should, and when done I was able to boot from the hard drive into MorphOS.

But, when I boot to OS X, that Boot partition shows up and I get a damaged message on boot and says I can fix it (which I did not).

So, what did I not do right for that first Boot partition to show at the end during the install portion?  My 1st partition was a 1GB as that is the smallest OS X 10.5 would go down to.  Then made 20GB for Morph and 90GB for OS X.

AmigaOne A1222 (Tabor)
AmigaOne X5000

Offline amigasocietyTopic starter

Re: Making the Mac Mini & MorphOS plunge
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2010, 07:27:21 AM »
Should my DH0 that was renamed Boot show up in MorpHOS someplace?  Mounted someplace?  Does it supposed to be showing in OS X also and me getting that message that it needs to be fixed?  I have a feeling I did not quite get that part of things right....although.... I would think the install would not work if I did not have it named Boot and all that fun stuff.

AmigaOne A1222 (Tabor)
AmigaOne X5000