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Author Topic: Hyperion: "Halloween special double-treat for the Classic AmigaOS"  (Read 39740 times)


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Offline OlafS3

Quote from: eliyahu;815258
same here. it sounds like olaf barthel was the one driving this set of updates. i hope he's able to respond to this thread to give us some more background, if there are any additional changes not mentioned in the press release, and if this is a one-off, or if hyperion is planning on making additional updates in the future.

-- eliyahu

From what gunnar said in public he negotiated with Hyperion and the answer was very honest that they are not interested in 68k. So either they changed mind since that or they just want to make some easy money without investing to much efforts in it. Before I do not see anything different I would bet on the second.

Offline OlafS3

Re: Hyperion: "Halloween special double-treat for the Classic AmigaOS"
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2016, 10:44:10 AM »
Quote from: olsen;815287
I do not often comment on issues such as these, because there's enough trouble either way if you say something. Not saying anything proved to be less troublesome.

So anyway... I would like to add that business negotiations do break down for any number of reasons, and the parties involved are usually very reluctant to explain in public as to what went wrong. This in itself is a tactical decision.

Sometimes negotiation tactics fail because the negotiating parties are unable to make their respective points and find common ground.

The short term tactics may have no direct relation to long term strategy.

This is "normal" in this business, in any business.

Things change, and the change is not a indication of poor performance or lack of confidence on the side of any party involved.

I am not sure what you are wanting to say without saying it (almost politician like)

they want to make some quick bucks in "classic market" because they see that there is movement at the moment, jump the train so to say. But if Gunnars comments are not totally wrong there is no interest in really investing in this market, for them the "classic users" obviously always were a resource for potential 4.X buyers, not a real market on its own. I doubt that this suddenly has changed. If they are really offering new software and improvements they can proof me wrong. For a start they could lift artifical ram limitations on "4.X for classics" that causes problems on UAE. By that they would show signs of customer orientation. Until that I do not believe that. Here some start to become euphoric and buy to "support development". For such a conclusion it is much too early.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2016, 10:46:12 AM by OlafS3 »

Offline OlafS3

Re: Hyperion: "Halloween special double-treat for the Classic AmigaOS"
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2016, 11:35:33 AM »
Quote from: gregthecanuck;815290
Wearing my decoder ring I am choosing to interpret this as "We see there may be a decent market for OS 3.1 updates after all."

Could you elaborate on any future plans for this new 3.1 distribution? Is this a one-shot release? Is there any sort of roadmap? Are you testing the waters for demand before making that decision?

I also don't see the issue with any "conflict of interests" with Hyperion maintaining both OS3.1 and OS4.x distributions. Myself I have feet in both camps, owning both classic and PPC systems. Very happy to see updates on both. After all, Hyperion is in the business of selling software, so go where the demand is. :)

if that is true why do they not make "AmigaOS for Classic" more useful to their existing users (mostly use it on UAE i would guess). They even have the patch to do that.