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Author Topic: Alternatives to Tabor (from New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor")  (Read 14456 times)


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Offline OlafS3

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« on: October 17, 2015, 11:40:59 PM »
Quote from: Everblue;797561
Yeah, cos what would Hyperion know about that :D

I say I have developed a super-amiga. Proof me the opposite :lol:

you will say show it to me. That is what I wrote... I have neither claimed anything is lie nor anything is truth. People have doubts because of processor so lets wait. Or do you know more than the rest of us?

Offline OlafS3

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2015, 11:43:36 PM »
Quote from: Everblue;797569
1. I don't like AROS
2. Not comfortable buying big old MACs that weigh a ton and have them shipped from halfway Europe (these are impossible to find in my country) and I want something better than a Mac mini...

you do not like Aros?

too bad

Offline OlafS3

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2015, 12:28:45 AM »
Quote from: Iggy;797581
Frankly, I'm thinking AROS 68K just might be the future for advanced legacy re-implementations.
Useless everyone WANTS to pay Cloanto for an OS that hasn't been updated in decades.

And X86 AROS looks like a very slick package.

We do own you on the PPC platform though. :lol:

that is debatable :)

Offline OlafS3

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2015, 09:31:34 AM »
Quote from: nicholas;797586
Other than the old SAM440 port that hasn't had a successful nightly build for download since January*, what PPC harware does AROS run on?  http://netcologne.dl.sourceforge.net/project/aros/nightly2/20150126/Binaries/AROS-20150126-sam440-ppc-boot-iso.zip

I understood Iggy wrong yesterday night... yes PPC is "alien" territory for Aros, AmigaOS and expecially MorphOS are highly optimized for it so no real chance for Aros. But when MorphOS leaves the known area (AmigaOS is not very propable to make a ISA change) then they enter "unknown" territory and will have the same challenges and problems as Aros had and has. Then we will see how they solve the problems.

Offline OlafS3

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2015, 11:49:51 AM »
Quote from: Yasu;797596
The Team are already working on it, but there will probably not be any big announcement until it's finished or almost finished. From the end user perspective it will be like it suddenly appears.

not "the team" but one developer (as I understand it) and it is still years away (geit)

Offline OlafS3

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2015, 12:26:33 PM »
Quote from: Yasu;797604
Bigfoot is the main developer there, and while it's possible it's just him working on it he is not working in a vacuum. He still needs or will need the other Team members with him on this.

Yes of course but as I see the MOS team (and have respect for what they do) they will complete support on PPC (including bug fixes and drivers) on PPC before turning attention to ISA change. And that will need some time still. And then they have announced lots of changes like 64bit, SMP, MP and much more for it. So I do not think that there will be something in foreseeable future.

Offline OlafS3

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2015, 12:33:33 PM »
Quote from: nicholas;797602
Unless AROS for PPC has binary compatibility with MorphOS and/or OS4 software and seamless 68k binary compatibility too then there isn't much point in it really.

If it did have those things I'd definitely use it on PPC though. Maybe ARIX for PPC will have all those things? Here's hoping! :)

Something like Petunia is not very propable because of lack of developer resources. The same reason why MorphOS team will drop that for the new ISA too. Arix solves some problems, expecially missing drivers and implements some sort of SMP (as I understand it) but it will not offer something like "Petunia". That is the price for getting affordable good hardware, you cannot have all, at least if the numbers of developers is so limited. With enough money everything is possible of course but we do not need to discuss about that :). So in short: do not expect that.

Binary compatibility with MorphOS and/or OS4 software? How should that work at all? All are different on API level
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 01:22:31 PM by OlafS3 »

Offline OlafS3

Alternatives to Tabor (from New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor")
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2015, 01:24:05 PM »
Quote from: nicholas;797610
Perfectly illustrated.  Without those things what would be the point in AROS for PPC?

Yes because of that it is unsupported. If you want to use PPC MorphOS and AmigaOS are better choices.

Offline OlafS3

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2015, 03:11:44 PM »
Quote from: itix;797614
It is possible but it makes no sense for AROS developers to target PPC platform.

But that would only work if either MorphOS or AmigaOS API would 100% implemented. That would be difficult and Aros devs are certainly not interested to do that.