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Author Topic: Offline User Friendly Linux Distro with Updated Wine?  (Read 14890 times)


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Offline haywirepc

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Re: Offline User Friendly Linux Distro with Updated Wine?
« on: March 11, 2013, 05:22:52 AM »
I used vector linux for years, check it out, you can order a cd if you don't want to download a and burn for just a couple bucks. Works great on older, low spec hardware, is slackware based, has great repos and software easy to install with just a couple clicks...

Puppy linux is also a good option for lower spec older hardware. Now? I run mint on my combo workstation/server.

Offline haywirepc

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Re: Offline User Friendly Linux Distro with Updated Wine?
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2013, 05:32:16 AM »
I forgot to mention, but almost all linux distros allow uae or euae easily... so you can get your amiga on...

I find my mint workstation/sever although pretty low spec by todays standards (dual core 3.0ghz with 4 gigs ram, 512k nvidia video card and 500gigs internal storage, with a couple terrabyte usb external drives) is all I need for most of my day to day stuff...

I enjoy that computer more than any other I have owned since my amiga 500
back in the day. I have windows programs/games, linux programs/games, dos programs/games, amiga programs/games, c64 programs/games, and several emulated game systems (sega genesis and super nintendo mostly) All running happily together, all on one very customized system.

I once heard it said that linux is the new amiga. I think thats true... Your different, your computer does things the rest can't do, and you can customize it more than windows or mac for sure...

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Re: Offline User Friendly Linux Distro with Updated Wine?
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 05:03:36 AM »
"Until Linux can come out with a Desktop distro that makes me forget I'm using Linux, and make me believe I'm running an advanced Amiga OS or Haiku, then I ain't going back."

Your missing the point. The point of any Gnu/linux operating system IS total freedom. You can make it look and work like mac, windows, linux, amiga, haiku, or anything else you can imagine, but that of course requires some planning, time, and alot of tweaking many don't want to do.

Look at this screenshot of my linux desktop :

From a clean mint xfce install, takes me perhaps 8 or 10 hours to set up the system to my liking. You can see an amiga style ramdisk, Linux boot drive icon, work drive icon, windows drive partition icon, dos drive icon, amiga drive icon, os2 drive icon, even atari st drive icon, and more. There are also drive icons for my mp3 and sound samples partitions. (I do audio work)

On the top bar are my most commonly used apps and links to stuff, On the right side bar is my most commonly traveled internet sites (1 click beats typing)

I use linux programs but also wine, dosbox, UAE, atari st emulator,c64 emulator, and more.

I CAN forget I'm using linux because I'm not just using linux, I'm also using amiga, dos, windows, atari, c64, os2 programs and more.

Most people are too lazy to set up the system. Trust me. Its SO worth it!

Now I have my current system cloneable, so I can install my already set up system on any other pc. I LOVE it.


Offline haywirepc

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Re: Offline User Friendly Linux Distro with Updated Wine?
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2013, 05:19:26 AM »
Actually after I posted I realized it took me a bit more than 8 or 10 hours to set up my system... Perhaps 20 or 30 over a few weeks, setup a few things a day while doing other things until its as you like it. Still worth the time if you ask me. I have thousands of amiga games, and programs and demos, thousands of dos games and programs, thousands of windows games and programs and more...

Now I'm working on adding icons for many things in folders so its all point and click from launchers... Including hundreds of sega genesis games, super nintendo games and more.

Since this screenshot, I added a "toolbox" icon with drawers full of program launchers for audio, video, programming, graphics and office apps.

Linux is awesome, but you do need to put some time in to design the computer system of your dreams. Still, its possible to create your very own "VERY PERSONAL" computer.

Easy to get overwhelmed with the task, I just do a bit each day while mostly just using the computer. I have 5 in progress things going on the computer at a time usually, but eventually the stuff gets done and set up.

Offline haywirepc

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Re: Offline User Friendly Linux Distro with Updated Wine?
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2013, 02:38:50 AM »
On a side note I also remember when the do it yourself ADSL kits, 512kbs, came out in the UK and the sodding modem would not work with my rig at the time and I had to wait till I could get my old V92 modem back to download a random hack to make it work. Even then it was hit and miss. )

I remember my first linux box, it was built from parts all specifically chosen because there were linux support or drivers for each part. I think the first linux I ran was red-hat 3.0 or maybe it was even 2.0?

People bitch about aros needing certain sound, network or video cards and not enough drivers, but linux was exactly like that once upon a time.

Most stuff in linux works right out of the box, but some freeware purists distros (Like dynebolic) don't include proprietary drivers, which means alot of hardware won't work. If your okay with closed source drivers most computers can run linux happily now.

I will use proprietary or closed source drivers, because honestly you just have to sometimes, which sucks. BUT I do agree with Linus Torvalds when he said "**** YOU NIVIDIA."

