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Author Topic: Wow! C-USA's first commercial.  (Read 25037 times)


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Offline haywirepc

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Re: Wow! C-USA's first commercial.
« on: April 05, 2011, 06:27:31 AM »
Now taking pre-orders, wow pre-orders! Now they really are like amiga inc!

Commodore os will be shipped to you when available. This all sounds vaguely familiar. Someone said something about amithlon being developed.
If they did Aros or amithlon, I'm interested, otherwise ubuntu with an amiga wallpaper is of no interest to me or most amigans.
The vic and the vic slim are existing products with commodore stickers slapped on them and ubuntu installed. It must have taken them literally minutes of development time on those.
On the c64 I think its a nice novelty, but not worth the money. At least that one took them time to develop. The specs are really unimpressive though. I can buy a similar computer for so much less, but It IS a novelty, so I suppose your paying for the novelty of it.
I suppose I can see why someone who is a huge c64 fan would want one, so I wish them the best with selling them. Still, I don't believe these will ever make it to actual retail stores, but I'd be interested in knowing exactly how many of them they sell and in what markets.
The ad while interesting, makes me wonder if they actually obtained permission to use scenes from the movie in their commercial, or if they just put their ad in the dvd hoping they could use that footage without actually paying for its use.
If they didn't pay for its use, its quite a copyright violation using movie footage to peddle their own wares. Its also quite misleading, because their computers had nothing to do with that movie except to buy an ad in the dvd release.

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Re: Wow! C-USA's first commercial.
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2011, 07:01:52 AM »
"I've always rooted for the grassroots guys out there that have soldering irons and compilers in hand, so I must be missing something. "
I agree. Which is probably why cusa irks alot of people. Its like they want the most attention for doing the least they could possibly do.
I forgot about the reported 30 million dollar advertising campaign. Of course, that was supposed to be for commercials that were suppose to be aired last christmas. Perhaps their new budget for this quarter is closer to 300 bucks? (300$ = Pay a video editor to splice together stolen movie footage with your logo, then only put it on youtube till it gets yanked for copyright violation)
They could always call it a fan video, but considering they are a "company" selling something, I don't think it qualifies.
It will be interesting to hear where this will be broadcast? If just youtube, well I'm so not impressed, and I doubt anyone else is.


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Re: Wow! C-USA's first commercial.
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2011, 09:18:05 PM »
I think its interesting that their "ceo" is posting here but has not answered any of the questions raised by this "commercial".
Like did they have the permission from disney legally to use the footage from Tron that they used?

Where will this commercial air except for youtube?

Given their track record of plagerism, stolen graphics, half truths and hype so far, I don't believe they actually secured the rights to use this footage in one of their "commercials" which is certainly made for commercial gain.

Offline haywirepc

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Re: Wow! C-USA's first commercial.
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2011, 04:59:42 AM »
Its regrettable that their ceo wants to attack me for asking valid questions. So far, his "company" has been caught in so many lies, half truths and deceptions, I'm not sure why he's suprised when people question him about things now.
If they didn't have such a bad track record of stealing graphics, announcing then cancelling products and so on people would not question
what they say, slapping stickers on existing computers and renaming them and so on.
The least they can expect is people questioning what they do.
I'm looking forward to seeing 30 million dollars worth of advertising.
I'm looking forward to seeing all these new computers they have announced, especially the ones that will actually require assembly
instead of just slapping stickers on exciting products.
I'm actually ooking forward to seeing commodore os 1.0
An interesting sidenote, I already own a "vic slim", which I got from the real manufacturer. It is a great little computer, really, but I suggest that you get it direct from the real manufacturer at 119.95$ instead of paying 400$ for it with a commodore sticker slapped on it. Thats quite a markup for a sticker.
Nuff said.

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Re: Wow! C-USA's first commercial.
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2011, 05:36:09 PM »
More excuses, half truths, and bold faced lies.
Everything they are selling except this c64 retro cased one is a sticker slapped on an existing product for a 25-50% markup. Hey, printing those commodore stickers is expensive, stop bitching!
After paying 30 million dollars for advertising, they are running out of money for stickers. Everyone just buy their crap and stop revealing their lies and bullshit, your getting on their nerves.