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Author Topic: Amigas turn to play catch up - new intel cpu  (Read 7259 times)


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Offline haywirepc

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Re: Amigas turn to play catch up - new intel cpu
« on: January 04, 2011, 05:05:09 AM »
"Have you not heard the news. Amiga is around today!
 And of course this will be in the new Amigas as standard...
 Therefore no need to catch up.
 Leo Nigro, CTO Commodore USA, LLC
 The opinions expressed in this forum are my own and are not those of      Commodore USA. "
First of all, your the only known buyer of the cybernet zpc with a commodore sticker slapped on it that we know of, and you ended up
being the new "Chief technical officer" of this "company" which is a voicemail box at someone's house. That fact alone makes me laugh
everytime I hear anything from you.
Second of all, they already announced several other products that they backpedaled on and never released. All those products were someone else's computer with a new fancy name and a commodore sticker slapped on them. All those products dissapeared from the website without any explanation.
You stole parts of the first website direct from apple's website...
Your ceo threatened to sue osnews.com for stating facts...
Sounds like your new plan actually includes building pc's from components which I don't think you can technically handle, even though my 10 year old nephew can. Workbench? OS? Oh boy a ubuntu respin with amiga wallpapers too.  Show us something, or stop making announcements for things that will never be.
You made announcements claiming you had a 30 million dollar advertising budget and that ads would be on national televsion by the holidays. Gee I don't remember seeing any commodore ads... Oh thats right your own ad agency said they didn't even start filming anything yet.
Don't assume that anyone here wants to hear your bullshit. Ship some products and stop talking and making announcements.

Offline haywirepc

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Re: Amigas turn to play catch up - new intel cpu
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 05:48:20 AM »
"NEW YORK, NY and FT. LAUDERDALE, FL September 14, 2010 – Commodore USA announced today the selection of Korey Kay & Partners as its Agency of Record for Branding and Creative Development. Projected budget: $30 million.

After a three month agency search, Commodore USA President and Chairman Barry Altman selected the New York based agency to create and produce the integrated marketing programs for all Commodore USA brands, including Commodore and Amiga computers."

Of course, if you call the advertising agency place they will tell you they never even started filming ads yet and don't or won't confirm what the budget is. CUSA also stated there would be ads on national television by christmas, and that never happened.
I think calling CUSA or anyone associated with them a LIER isn't far off the mark...

Offline haywirepc

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Re: Amigas turn to play catch up - new intel cpu
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2011, 10:42:43 PM »
I think its always best to try and fight these copy protection schemes.
Does anyone remember back in the day when you'd buy a game and you had to always enter a word from the instruction manual just to play the game? That annoyed the shit out of me, I'd get cracked copies of the games I bought just for spite because if I pay money for something I shouldn't be annoyed when wanting to use it. But I stress I rarely just got cracked games. If I liked a game, I paid for it for the most part.
Same goes for digital copy protection. They can annoy me if they want but if I buy a movie, then I should be able to make backup copies, have it on my server in digital form, whatever, I paid for it, its MY copy.
Aw, what happened, back on topic? Can't we get back to trashing bigbenaussie, and his company's imagined 30 million dollar advertising budget?
Boy he really respresented himself and his "company" well in this thread. As for the other allegations of his stupidiy in posts on another forum... Yeah right that wasn't him. Some hacker hacked into his amigaworld account, then hacked into his private email accounts and then pasted private emails from his private email accounts on to a public forum.
Wow what a fantastic "Chief technical officer". He's so tremendously tech savy that his own personal email accounts aren't secure. Wow that says alot about his technical skills. Lets not forget that one...
One more FAIL for CUSA.