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Author Topic: Jumpstart AROS devlopment  (Read 4513 times)


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Offline that_punk_guy

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Re: Jumpstart AROS devlopment
« on: February 18, 2004, 04:45:09 PM »
I'm in the "if I could..." boat too regarding coding... it seems like people are too busy writing new stuff for the Classic/OS4/MOS solutions. But the general perception of AROS as a realistic, usable alternative is improving all the time - here's hoping it snowballs...

As for getting the momentum going, I dunno... The bloodline approach would get on everyone's nerves if everyone did it. At the same time, it's almost like people laugh, pat Matt on the head and then get back to the "real work." :-(

AROS suits me better politically than any of the other solutions - it's cross-platform, open-source and free of the "your Bill's more exploitative than our Bill" crap.

Hmm, I dunno. It is slowly growing, perhaps it's just a case of sticking at it...