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Author Topic: Amiga Forever 2016 with PPC support!  (Read 13009 times)


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Offline alberonn

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Impressions/experience from a recent purchaser of AF16
« on: December 09, 2015, 10:01:57 PM »
I just bought this and I'm pretty happy with the results. I have been missing my old Amiga since I gave it to my old user's group in 2006. My wife gave me a modest shopping spree for my birthday and Amiga Forever 2016 Premium Edition was my first purchase.

When I bought it, I was immediately given my software key so I could download the Plus Edition archive while I awaited delivery of my DVDs. Installation was really easy and I could jump into the software fairly quickly. AmiKit and AROS required additional downloading but the AF launcher took care of that detail for me--the first time you try to launch it will download the required files for you.

While getting into the preconfigured systems and games were easy, I have been having trouble working out my big, bad, PPC-accelerated system. This is a matter of some trial and error on my part as well as another forum post.

The DVD came much faster than I thought--apparently there is a center in Oregon that filled my order. However, their hard drive hiccuped and I received four copies instead. All had my same key file and when I let Cloanto know about the problem--in case it was a bigger problem for those guys--I received three more software keys and was told Merry Christmas! That is what I call amazing customer support. Disk 0 in one of the sets was bad however and I'm not sure what to do with that one and my other two have new homes allocated already. I guess I could try to duplicate Disk 0 and include the duplicate in the package since I don't expect the company to replace a disk sent in error. The Software key should still be good though.

On my laptop-a Dell N5110 with 8GB of RAM and currently running Windows 10--using the launcher to play the videos does not work. They will play when I use WMP but I notice that disk 2 won't play or popup with a DVD menu in my computer--it does work perfect in my Sony Blu-Ray player. I can delve into the disk with VLC and play the individual tracks. I have no idea where the problem is but I do notice that my laptop has issues with a lot of DVD movies.

Overall, I am very happy with this set--I just need to get deeper into being a little more of a power user. My old CLI skills are rusty but I still feel comfortable playing in the shell. The Amiga is a computer that I was very comfortable with and it feels like I have rediscovered an old friend. While having the original hardware would be nice, I simply don't have a place to put it and as the hardware ages, things will break and stop working. This is not a bad way to keep the spirit of the Amiga alive. I have also downloaded the free C64 Forever edition and I think I'll go for the plus edition of that title too. What is nice is that if you have both installed, your Amiga and C= 8-bit systems will show up on the same launcher, separated into two categories: Amiga Files and CBM Files. This is very handy and gives you easy access to all your systems without too much clutter and confusion.

This was certainly worth it--even if I hadn't been delivered the extra copies.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 10:29:36 PM by alberonn »

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Re: Amiga Forever 2016 with PPC support!
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2015, 09:55:55 PM »
The installation of OS 4.1FE seems pretty straight-forward but I don't have that (yet.) I was wondering what would be the beefiest config for a PPC-accelerated 3.x install. I'm not getting any configs that will boot.

I do love the detail you put into that article about the new AF and setting up 4.1. I may be referring to that when I finally get the disk.

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Nice bonus for early buyers...
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2015, 05:31:12 AM »
I had to stay off of my e-mail until I opened up my presents this year since my wife and I both ordered from Amazon but when I was clearing out my baclog of e-mail, I recieved this nice letter:


Hello Mark,

Many thanks for being among the very first to support us with your recent Amiga Forever 2016 order. As a special thank you, and because this is also part of an upgrade offer we are making this month, please find below a free additional license to the companion package, C64 Forever:

C64 Forever 2016 Plus Edition
(URL to MSI file)

The download will expire in two weeks. Please make a backup of the file and license key, because it will not be recoverable via the e-commerce provider's backup system. If you prefer, you may give this bonus copy to a friend.

You will receive a separate email with a refresh of Amiga Forever 2016 itself, but for now I wanted to share this special thank you gift with you.


Mike and Your RetroPlatform Team


These guys are awesome. I was thinking of getting C64 Forever soon anyway and I was pretty stoked to see this in my inbox. :D