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Author Topic: Amiga PCs on the way....  (Read 34685 times)


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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #14 from previous page: September 10, 2010, 07:16:53 PM »
Quote from: the_leander;578595
Clearly you didn't bother reading the response directed at you.

Your (and his) "point" is utter bunkum.

Even ignoring for the moment that Amiga.inc have stated in the past that there is no issue with AO,  Trademarks do not work that way.

Oh, you can here for an argument. Well try and actually have a point, rather than just a negative response.

As to his point, "bunkum" or not, he did pay to use Amiga and Commodore.

Do I think there's a problem with Amiga.org's use of the term Amiga? Of course not (if you'd read my response on this matter).

As to taking sides in this, I personally can't because I consider it to be a dead issue. The Amiga name was sold like the commodity it is.

Personally, as a MorphOS user, I don't currently use and do not ever expect to use anything with an Amiga label (be it an OS or a computer).
But, its interesting seeing all of you get up in arms over the matter.
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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2010, 08:17:16 PM »
Quote from: runequester;578708
If a product is licensed, then money is changing hands and the lawyers are happy.

Give it a shot though. Buy some cheap chinese knock off mp3 players, brand them as ipods, call your company "apple" and start selling them.

Let me know how that works out.

I don't want to be the one to break this to you, but Apple hardware generally is made in China with cheap labor (haven't you heard about Foxconn's employee suicide problems).

And that's not really to the point. If Apple was out of business and a holding company had the brand name in its assets, I'm sure you could work out a deal to brand your products as Apples.
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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2010, 08:52:35 PM »
Quote from: runequester;578714
Most consumer electronics in the west are built that way. Its the only way to push the prices down.

It's entirely irrelevant to the point. Substitute any other company name if you will.

You would do this by contacting the holding company first, and working out a deal.
Appropriating IP and then asking if its okay later tends to lead to lawyers.

Of course, at this moment, we don't even know if the amiga.inc deal was legal to begin with. Hyperion seems to disagree but we'll see what comes out of that.

That is a fair point. According to Altman, when he first started using the Commodore name his license (from a company that apparently was only a licensee itself, and then only for game products) wasn't valid for selling computers. He has since negotiated a license with the proper company and his license for the Amiga name is from Bill McEwen at Amiga Inc.

Further, he's offered to answer any questions we have (just call) and he's perfectly willing to produce his licensing agreements. Finally, as I've said before, he's stated that he'd like to pay for the use of the artwork everyone is so upset by. So all this furor over assumed improprieties is nonsense.
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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2010, 03:00:08 AM »
Quote from: the_leander;578752
Apparently you haven't. Aspirin lost its trademark as part of Germany's war reparations after WW1.

Last I checked, Commodore was a company that went bankrupt and as cool as the Amiga was, doesn't nearly come into the same level of ubiquity as Apirin and it's derivatives.

Also, the USA, whilst it may have lost Vietnam, has never been pulverised into submission on its own turf AFAIK.

I told him to wind his neck in because the very thing he was having a pop at me over had been answered in a post specifically replying to him. He may have missed it, but as it was he looked a little silly responding to something said that was unrelated to him.

As for you: pot, kettle, black.

Apple have form for spanking small companies that commit acts of copyright infringement against them. As do most large multinationals. Watch Slashdot for any length of time and you'll see any number of stories under about big companies going after smaller ones that have taken liberties with their IP.

They'll ignore him now most likely, but the moment they see him turn a half decent profit using their IP, he is royally boned.

I'm sorry, I'm still waiting for your backing up of your baseless ad hom against everyone here who disagreed with you on the previous threads about being hypocrites.

Aspirin is still trademarked in many countries, Germany was not the point.

In your opinion I may look silly, but since your terse comments rarely reference who your answering let alone actually make a point I'm not worried about who is looking silly and I'm not asking your permission to respond.

As far as Apple's tendency toward litigious behavior, Apple sues anyone regardless of whether their claims are valid or not. How else could you explain the lawsuits against the Beatles' record label (which existed long before Apple computers).

What the hell does the US' actions in Vietnam have to do with anything? And, no, we weren't pulverized in a war on our own turf (unlike Germany in WWII, which by the way they so seriously deserved).

Your argument is vitriolic, but you fail to make clear, valid, points.

Instead of stating your opinions, why don't you back up those statements with rational logic?
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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2010, 04:25:06 AM »
Quote from: mongo;578768
Uh, the lawsuits were all initiated by Apple Corps, the parent company of Apple Records, not Apple Computer.

Interesting point, I should research my facts better before using them in an argument.

Since I still consider Apple's reflexive litigation to be excessive, that fact weakens part of my post.

Still, as it was made in haste, I don't feel too bad about the overall content of the post.

Having been abused by one too many German posters who assume some level of intellectual superiority, it seemed appropriate to remind our German compatriot that not all German endeavors have been that noble.

Also, the level of bitter contention over the use of long dead trademarks seemed excessive.
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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2010, 06:02:16 PM »
Sorry Andre,
It was not very considerate of me attacking an entire country, when so many of the people who's posts I've learned from and agree with come from that country, particularly when the person I'm addressing does not come from that country.
Apparently, I don't don't know how to communicate effectively in the only language I speak as the majority of my post was ignored in yet another simplistic negative post.

@ Franko - Your comment makes the Scots seem frighteningly like the Irish (my ancestors). Would that we all could disagree, fight, and then come to terms. Such an idea seems so much more civil then what the world has come to.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 06:35:13 PM by Iggy »
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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2010, 08:12:33 PM »
Quote from: Pyromania;578896
Put up or shut up. CommodoreUSA should sell machines and get reviews going or shut the hell up. Do more and talk less. Let the market decide if they are good systems or crap. Talk is cheap.

That would be the real test.

So, instead of letting my inner retard shine, I'll relay one more comment from Mr. Altman.

Barry claimed he was going to try to have the PC64 ready for sale by Christmas. Since he was still in the process of getting the case molds made, I think he'll be hard pressed to accomplish this in such a short time.

So there's your first put up or shut up test.
"Not making any hard and fast rules means that the moderators can use their good judgment in moderation, and we think the results speak for themselves." - Amiga.org, terms of service

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2010, 08:45:02 PM »
Quote from: persia;578983
Doesn't really matter, the big think this Christmas are touch devices, Father Christmas is going to be loaded down with iPads and Android tablets...

It is amazing how well Android has done in the market. I keep hearing comments from the developers about how difficult the platform is to develop code on.
Then again, I imagine developing software for Apple devices may be more difficult considering Apple's tight control of that market.

Still, its hard not to imagine a market for a PC in a C64 case. The Commodore geeks would love the retro factor.
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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2010, 11:47:28 PM »
The uncertainties about FCC certification, what type of MB is going to be used, keyboard mapping, and other particulars all make this product's proposed availability date questionable.

With only about three months left, will it be available? I don't know.
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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2010, 05:14:07 AM »
Quote from: kolla;579083
Right, read the posting I was commenting on.

As little as I'd like to stick up for leander, his point was completely correct.
"Not making any hard and fast rules means that the moderators can use their good judgment in moderation, and we think the results speak for themselves." - Amiga.org, terms of service

"You, got to stem the evil tide, and keep it on the the inside" - Rogers Waters

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