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Author Topic: apple great desing  (Read 11213 times)


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Re: apple great desing
« on: September 15, 2012, 07:41:21 AM »
You forgot to do your homework and see who Nokia nicked the design from in the first place.

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Re: apple great desing
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2012, 10:21:21 AM »
Quote from: Kesa;708182
First of all i am going to state i am anti Apple and pro Samsung. In fact seeing my Blackberry is about to giveup on me i am thinking about getting the new Galaxy s3 next week. Maybe.

But i am going to defend Apple in that Samsung did copy Apple and are right to take action against them. The green phone icon through to the pinching for zoom in/out is out right theft. Samsung deserve to be sued. They should be innovative and do something original.

Pyromania is a poo poo face.

Anyone that took 5 minutes to read the Apple vs. Samsung case file will tell you outright that Samsung bold faced ripped Apple off with their first Android phones.  They were dead knockoffs, admittedly so by upper management at Samsung.  Things have changed drastically since those days, and Samsung are now building very nice, distinct phones.  I am curious if anything will come from the LTE patents that Samsung holds in regards to Apple in the near future, though.  All in all, about all these lawsuits do is stifle innovation and piss the consumers off, it's essentially mutually assured destruction.

That being said, I switched to a Galaxy S3 from my iPhone 2 months ago and I really like the thing.  My only gripe is the crapware on it I can't get rid of - I really prefer the vanilla Android experience, and the third party ROM's for the S3 to get a vanilla ICS install aren't quite up to snuff yet.

I still do prefer the Apple marketplace, though.  I dislike using credit cards for app purchases, and Google Play store gift cards are not available in my country yet, where as iTunes cards can be bought at any gas station/convenience store around.

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Re: apple great desing
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2012, 12:19:32 AM »
Apple Corps (The Beatles label) sued Apple Computers, Apple Computers did not sue The Beatles/Apple Corps.  First suit was in 1978.  Apple Corps sued Apple Computers several times over the years, with one or two settlements in there from Apple Computers.

Apple can be chastised and berated for a lot of things, but the statements above simply aren't factual, lol.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 12:22:01 AM by Duce »

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Re: apple great desing
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2012, 08:44:06 AM »
The absolutely terrible software offerings of the non Apple MP3 players doomed them.  You were lucky if you could even get music onto your brand new MP3 player in those days once you got it home.  There was really no diskmode, just a janky trialware SW app that rarely worked.  I owned a Creative Nomad 20 GB model before iTunes came out for the PC, and while it was a great MP3 player, the software made it nearly unusable.  I spent $100 on third party apps to get my music onto the damned thing and it was still like jumping through rings of fire.

They were beyond crap, and I assure you, the first version of iTunes itself was pretty crappy and it was stunning compared to the competition.

Was always curious what would have happened if Jobs had got his way and had kept iTunes Mac only for longer than it was.

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Re: apple great desing
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2012, 10:23:07 AM »
It's quite well known Jobs fought the Windows version of iTunes tooth and nail.

His theory was that the iPod was so great and since it was Mac only for quite a long time, both products would feed the larger Apple machine.

If people lusted after the iPod, they would in turn purchase a Mac just in order to own an iPod.  In the Jobs bio, sounds like he clued in eventually and realized that the single digit market shares the Mac has/had was not going to suddenly balloon to 90% market share just because their MP3 player was so much better that the competitions.

I tried every MP3 player under the sun, and found all the software that came with them to be complete crap.  That still wasn't enough to make me want to buy a Mac just so I could own an iPod, but I did pick up an iPod once the Windows version of iTunes launched.

I've got a lot of gripes about the way Apple has always done business, but it simply cannot be underestimated how great of a solution the iPod and iTunes combo was when it hit Windows vs. the other products.  It was just so, so much better, warts and all.  Only other MP3 player I even liked remotely as much as the iPod/iTunes combo was the second gen Zune, and unfortunately the one I bought died about 8 weeks after I bought it and MS refused to warranty it, despite the fact the hard disk in it outright packed it in due to no fault of my own :/

I still however despise the locked down, walled garden iTunes ecosystem.
I recently got a Galaxy S3, and went to transfer all my old iPhone media to it, only to find that all my purchased books were entirely DRM'ed from Apple.  Ended up torrenting un-DRM'ed versions just to be able to use them on the Android device, which was inconvenient and I shouldn't have to be forced to essentially steal things I already paid for once.

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Re: apple great desing
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2012, 11:18:16 AM »
I'd go with the iPhone 5 personally, Kesa.

I got a S3 recently, and while I do like the thing, I've found the wifi on it to be erratic at best.  Randomly loses authentication and passwords and randomly drops off my wireless networks, and it's not an operator error issue, lol.  I find the Android settings mechanisms on the handset to be overly complex compared to the iPhone.  GPS on my old iPhone was better as well.  Apps selection is pretty comparable, but I find Android "free" apps to be so burdened with crapware and adverts they are often unusable.  I find the iPhone "multitasking" superior to Android as well.
Having the Google ecosystem crammed down my face on the handset is a little unpleasant as well, but so is the iTunes/Apple walled garden ecosystem.

I dislike the TouchWiz UI a great deal.  When I initially got the phone, I liked TouchWiz, but now that I've got used to it I find it infuriating.  Many of the Samsung add ons like S Voice are just absolutely useless, and I thought Siri was flaky.  I'd be far happier with a vanilla ICS or Jellybean install on the phone, there's just too much crapware you can't get rid of with the Samsung UI.  Battery life is terrible as well, but that's more likely to be a LTE/4G wide issue itself.  Chances are I'll be trading this phone in for an iPhone 5 in the near future unless I can get a vanilla Jellybean or even ICS install onto it.

While it's a very nice phone (S3) hardware wise, it is a little cheap feeling and I likely would have dropped it 10 times over if I didn't get a rubberized back bumper case for it.

The Samsung Kies sync software leaves a lot to be desired as well, but there's plenty of gripes with iTunes as well.  Kies uses extortionate amounts of memory.

It's a good phone, but all in all I still think I prefer my old iPhone to this S3, and I'm by no means an Apple loyalist.  Pricewise I could have bought the new iPhone for what I paid for this, and I am beginning to wish I had.  If I had to buy another Android phone I'd likely buy into the vanilla Android Nexus from Google to avoid the TouchWiz/Samsung UI trainwreck.

Being able to replace the battery and add a memory card is a big bonus, though, will never have that option with an iphone.

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Re: apple great desing
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2012, 10:48:58 PM »
WP8 is heavily cloud based, integrated SkyDrive and all that.

That being said, it's a sharp looking phone, but the software on the PC for it stinks.

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Re: apple great desing
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2012, 02:39:32 AM »
The current trend of Apple shipping hideously under developed product is hard to ignore.

Siri came on the 4S in beta form.  It still stinks now.  That being said, Samsung's S Voice Siri knockoff sucks even worse.  Siri is usable, I find S Voice so useless I actually resent having it on my S3 and it annoys me that it kicks in when I double tap the home button.

Their switch to their own maps is another major blunder, and I cannot help but think Jobs is rolling in his grave a bit.  A lot of bad things can be said about Jobs, but one thing he was, he was absolutely pedantic about the finer details.  He saw how screwed up things got when they rushed features and tried to avoid that in the future, like the MobileMe debacle.

Apple for the most part used to ship a fairly solid product that worked out of the box without too many gripes, and it worries me that this rush to get features in is becoming a constant trend with them.