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Author Topic: Return to a more strict TOS enforcement?  (Read 17629 times)


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Re: Return to a more strict TOS enforcement?
« on: April 05, 2011, 08:01:25 AM »
Personal attacks need to come to a halt.  As for the C-USA deal, no - such content should not be "banished" from A.org IF it pertains to Amiga users.  Shouldn't be crammed in peoples faces by "the powers that be" or their friends, either.  No one sees a tablet or commodity HW box with an Amiga wallpaper as the grand savior for the Amiga legacy, however.  That being said, the whole polarized C-USA deal is a complete hot button topic that causes 99% of the conflicts lately.  Some of the absolutely vehement posts from long term members that have erupted in the form of wild personal insults, well:  people WILL walk away from A.org if it continues.  There's a big difference between a joker taking a relatively innocent cheap shot post on someone, then you got guys DEMANDING JUSTICE AND IMMEDIATE BANS while calling others every name in the book on a personal level if people have alternate opinions to their own.  (Magnetic, mainly - nothing personal, dude.  Your posts make the place very unpleasant, far worse than what Franko could ever do - it's unbearable)  A.org is becoming a very unpleasant place to follow.  That sucks.  We'll never all "just get along", but the fact that people are leaving should send a clear message that the ship is veering off course, no?  I'm a SAM/OS4 user, which certainly puts me in a minority.  I started to follow A.org because of the sense of community, the sense that everyone here was here to learn something, to lend a hand.  There's been very, very little kinship here lately, the place is absolutely venomous and bordering on intolerable, forcing people to leave.