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Author Topic: Amiga chips on eBay  (Read 2294 times)


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Offline TjLaZer

Re: Amiga chips on eBay
« on: March 10, 2007, 08:57:32 PM »
YES it really irritates the CRAP of out me when people say they will trash it if it does not sell.  If you do that you are a moron!  

How about this idea:  I know groundbreaking idea.  If it does not sell, offer it for FREE to someone and have them pay for shipping!  What a concept I know, I should get an award!!
Going Bananas over AMIGAs since 1987...

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Offline TjLaZer

Re: Amiga chips on eBay
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2007, 01:47:19 AM »
Be irritated...

I am a volunteer worker and I will take the time to carefully check, package and mail something for somebody with no salary at all for my time and work.

Yeaaaaaaah right...

OK so what you are saying is you would rather throw it away than give it to a fellow Amigan?  That is messed up!!!

Nobody said to do all that for free, but to offer it for free to someone instead of throwing it away! (IF IT DOES NOT SELL AS YOU THREATENED)   Was that hard to comprehend?!!!?  While it is your perogotive to do what the hell you want, when it comes to Vintage Amiga stuff NOTHING should be throw away just because you did not take someone to the bank selling it on ebay... (Even Atari stuff!!!! LOL)

Sorry all it just pisses me off with that kind of mentality.   If you are that kind of person to throw something away just because you did not make $1000 on ripBay. then I feel sorry for you.  I am sure most people feel the same way I do.

/off soap box
Going Bananas over AMIGAs since 1987...

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