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Author Topic: are we still sharing crazy ebay postings?  (Read 112415 times)


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Re: are we still sharing crazy ebay postings?
« on: January 15, 2018, 03:45:12 PM »
Quote from: kirk_m;835030
Not to mention the boards are battery damaged.  The Agnus alone is next to impossible to find for the A3000.  The guy went to a storage unit auction and found those.  Then went to the Amiga facebook group, asked for a "valuation" since he "knows nothing about the amiga" and got his head all filled with what the boards are "worth" by people there.  The chips being removed is enough to make anyone think the boards are dead and were just kept after the chips were scavenged for another system.

EDIT:  Looks like some fool spent $995 on the 3000T motherboard.

I made 3 offers on this, and he finally countered. eBay doesn't show you what the final price was - we settled on $500.

It took me a few days but I managed to get it to work and as a result now have a fully functioning 3000T again - worth every penny. :)

The damage report: it had two broken traces where the battery was (D9, D15 signals to the ROM), two blown fuses on the +5 outputs for the joystick and DB23, was missing a Paula and all zip ram which I filled in, Denise was inserted incorrectly, missing the SCSI controller chip. It also had the 8375 Agnus which doesn't allow the pal/ntsc jumper so I replaced that too. I also gave it 3.1 ROMs.