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Author Topic: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?  (Read 8950 times)


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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it
« on: November 17, 2002, 03:03:41 AM »
Kay has an interesting point.  I have thought about this a bit, and (hear me out) this is my conclusion:

How many people do you know that run Windows "just for the games?"  

If I were an investor in AInc, you know what I would throw money into?  getting Team17 to start hacking away on a KILLER game.  Something that will look kick-ass on a Radeon 8500 or a Matrox Parhelia (these cards DO have untapped potential).  This game would ONLY be available on amiga, and it would make the gamer mags/sites drool.  

Would they be pissed that it wasn't a windows game?  without a doubt.  But if it was worthy of the hype, they'd fall all over themselves to get an A1 to review it.  

Granted, coming up with the KILLER game would be a somewhat daunting task, but it would be HUGE step forward for our platform.

The naysayers are going to attack here, saying "a G3 isn't powerful enough to support games like the x86 boxes..."

You're wrong.  Offload all the graphics to the GPU, and the sound mixing to the EMU10k1 chip, and you free up a whole lot of cycles.  This technique wholly why the PS1 was a great gaming rig, and partially explains why the Amiga was so efficient.

*throws out 2 cents*
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