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Author Topic: Cinemaware launches Kickstarter for Wings: Directors Cut  (Read 8585 times)


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Offline outlawal2

Re: Cinemaware launches Kickstarter for Wings: Directors Cut
« on: August 16, 2012, 07:04:09 PM »
OK another day where I feel disgusted to have to admit to being a member of the human race.  Once again someone tries to bring back some of the old Amiga magic and is met by contempt and hate from people that do NOT HAVE A FRIGGIN CLUE about how things work.

To the mental GIANT that asked why did they come here to announce this project..
OF COURSE they would come here genius...  The original was an Amiga only game so the ONLY people that would give a rat's a$$ about it being remade are ex Amigans... Where would you go, a Texas Instruments Calculator symposium?

To all you selfish "I am entitled to whatever I want and I want it for nothing" folks..
You forever Bitch, piss and moan that no one ever develops anything for your precious Amiga and then point with SCORN saying they are "Trying to reap profits from our beloved Amiga memory."  Well no EFFING $hit genius...  The FACTS are that the only way they can provide ANY product is if they can make money doing it...  So OF COURSE they are trying to make money. And if they make a decent product I HOPE THEY DO MAKE A LOT OF MONEY AS THEY DESERVE IT

I get so effing tired of people hating companies and individuals because they are successful...  Get off your own collective a$$es and do something worthwhile and MAYBE you can be successful too.  Until then stop trying to bring down the World because you are a sorry sore, jealous, lazy a$$.

I for one commend these folks for taking a risk and attempting to provide a continuation for a classic game that I for one hold dear...  Thanks folks and I will be supporting you..