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Author Topic: Aros has a new trick Video, don't miss it :-)  (Read 7265 times)


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Offline clusterukTopic starter

Aros has a new trick Video, don't miss it :-)
« on: November 12, 2010, 09:18:55 PM »

Check out my new very short video please.


Amiga 1000/3000, iMica Silent and NVidia Aros computer.
Lets enjoy the Amigas future, THIS year is 25th Anniversary lets make it special.

Offline clusterukTopic starter

Re: Aros has a new trick Video, don't miss it :-)
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2010, 10:39:07 PM »
Quote from: runequester;591283
Very nice :)

Does it do different resolutions on each screen ?

I have been asked this question a lot and I removed part of the video that showed this just to introduce the new feature. I will do another next week to show all parts of the functionality with multiple screens diferent resolutions etc.
Amiga 1000/3000, iMica Silent and NVidia Aros computer.
Lets enjoy the Amigas future, THIS year is 25th Anniversary lets make it special.

Offline clusterukTopic starter

Re: Aros has a new trick Video, don't miss it :-)
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2010, 10:43:35 PM »
Quote from: Franko;591277
Interesting, Im not big or very knowledgeable on Aros, but I assume from the video it means that screen dragging has only just been achieved on Aros ?

If so then what else does Aros currently lack at the moment and when is it likely to become a fully functioning OS... :)

Aros has most functionality needed now, when ICAROS 1.2.5 is ready, download it and try it, there is no charge except for the hardware. If you send me a 4gb memory stick I can set it up for you and post back to try on any pc.

Amiga 1000/3000, iMica Silent and NVidia Aros computer.
Lets enjoy the Amigas future, THIS year is 25th Anniversary lets make it special.

Offline clusterukTopic starter

Re: Aros has a new trick Video, don't miss it :-)
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2010, 10:29:35 AM »

Thanks for these great comments and to Cammy for the great post explaining Aros better than I could have. There is a lot more coming for Aros, seriously, as for Arosx64 I am not that bothered for now because I cannot fill up 1gb of ram let alone more than 3.5gb so it is not an issue. However, it will come along when it is ready.

My biggest excitement will be when Emumiga is complete, this will give us transparent 68k emulation like on OS4 and MorphOS, at the moment only the 68k Clock runs but this is an amazing acheivement because of all the systems it remaps to Aros and emulates the basic 68k calls.


As they say the future is bright   :-)


I love the fact that you are still using classic Amiga's to do most of your day to day computing needs. I do not consider you a dinosaur, I sit here every day looking at my beautiful A3000 wishing I could afford an 060 for her and get the network working and be able to browse on her. But for now I use my scrap heap nvidia Aros pc.

Marko, check out the end of this video, see what my A1000 can do :-P

Thanks to all.
Amiga 1000/3000, iMica Silent and NVidia Aros computer.
Lets enjoy the Amigas future, THIS year is 25th Anniversary lets make it special.

Offline clusterukTopic starter

Re: Aros has a new trick Video, don't miss it :-)
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2010, 01:43:37 PM »
Quote from: bloodline;591646
Yet another vid of screen dragging showing 3D graphics... rather fun :)


Great video that one, beat me too the full version :-)

Screen dragging is amazing and even though not as needed as the early day when it allowed high res tool kit over a Ham screen like brilliance, even now it is very useful and a great demo.
Amiga 1000/3000, iMica Silent and NVidia Aros computer.
Lets enjoy the Amigas future, THIS year is 25th Anniversary lets make it special.

Offline clusterukTopic starter

Re: Aros has a new trick Video, don't miss it :-)
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2010, 10:20:00 PM »

Sorry, but could not disagree more. Yes with the screens we have it is not as important now, but it is a great thing to have for general use. With Amiga M and dragging screens this is now a nice improvement.

Some like, some do not, but at least both groups are happy now.

Only improvement I would like now is like Windows7 previews at bottom of screen but I am happy to wait for that, as this will come no doubt.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2010, 10:24:21 PM by clusteruk »
Amiga 1000/3000, iMica Silent and NVidia Aros computer.
Lets enjoy the Amigas future, THIS year is 25th Anniversary lets make it special.