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Author Topic: Linux distros again, Suse 9.0 or Mandrake 9.2?  (Read 1940 times)


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Offline BouncingAyatollah

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Re: Linux distros again, Suse 9.0 or Mandrake 9.2?
« on: January 29, 2004, 04:11:36 AM »
To get it to work in, say, Mozilla:

Log in as root

Get the JRE from Sun, here (get the RPM one)

In a console, cd to where you downloaded it (unless you changed the download default your console should start there anyway, root's home)

chmod a+x j2re-1_4_2_-linux-i586-rpm.bin
(hit TAB to complete the name, this makes the file eXecutable)

This executes the file (because the current directory is NOT in the command Path as in AmigaOS you need to say "current directory" first with the ./ part) which will extract the RPM file here.

Hit space 'til you reach the end of the EULA then type yes.

rpm -ivh j2re-1_4_2_-linux-i586.rpm
This is how to install an RPM "by hand", i = install, v = verbose, h = hashes (progress bar)

cd to your mozilla plugins directory, on my system it was here:

cd /opt/mozilla/lib/plugins

If there is a file libjavaplugin_oji.so there delete it:

rm libjavaplugin_oji.so

Make a link from here to the plugin in the newly installed JRE directory, on my system it was here:

ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_03/plugin/i386/ns                                    610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so libjavaplugin_oji.so
(should be no space in that first path it is ns610-gcc32, the reply editor is adding it)

Close and restart Mozilla, go somewhere with a Java applet to test it, there's a test applet here.

Another tip, if you don't know where something is on the machine, use Find Files (obviously) or from the console, if you are looking for a shell command which will be in the Path use:

which filename to find it, or if it is not in the Path:
find / -name filename -print to find it. Some distros have a command called locate too but not on my Suse9 machine. The above searches the whole partition from / downwards.

All that could be done via the GUI too btw, but doing it like this gives a feel for the console and is quicker to go through in one step rather than clicking around windows and filling in dialogs. If you know how to do stuff like this you won't be caught out if a new distro doesn't offer a GUI panel to do task xyz either.
\\"Whose souls, albeit in a cloudy memory, yet seek back their good,
but, like drunk men, know not the road home.\\" -- BOETHIUS

Offline BouncingAyatollah

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Re: Linux distros again, Suse 9.0 or Mandrake 9.2?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2004, 02:21:47 PM »

Nice one.  :-)

I decided to set it up last night, first try was getting a plugin download file from Netscape I think, i.e. a file in the plugins directory like you said - no good. Tried the one from Sun and linking to it - wahey!

A friend of mine (quite seriously) recommends keeping a "linux notes" book. The same things come up again and again so it's handy to have. In the midst of frustration I admit (cough) that - ahem - I usually "forget" (cough) to do this LOL!
\\"Whose souls, albeit in a cloudy memory, yet seek back their good,
but, like drunk men, know not the road home.\\" -- BOETHIUS