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Author Topic: Reliable Amiga Vendors?  (Read 8859 times)


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Re: Reliable Amiga Vendors?
« on: January 16, 2009, 03:29:01 PM »
Last years I bought from two sellers and never had one problem, so I recomend them:

amigakit -> www.amigakit.com
elbox -> www.elbox.com

P.S.: only problem with elbox is to get actual drivers since they don't answer my e-mails. If they have a spam robot that block all my messages is a problem of elbox. I send my information according with manual.

Good luck.


MiAmigo wrote:
Its been a really long while since I've posted to the forum. Needless to say, my poor Amiga(s) have been front & center stage, AND back-burnered for other projects many times since that last post a few years ago. Now, I'm back to tinkering & rebuilding, and find that it seems to be getting harder and harder to find reliable, reasonable (considering the rarity of the parts!) Amiga vendors who answer email, tell the truth about what they're selling, and have decent pricing. Can anyone suggest a good vendor or two? Thanks!