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Author Topic: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!  (Read 4729 times)


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Offline poweramiga2002

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« on: March 27, 2003, 01:39:21 AM »
I happened to have a few friends over a while ago, and all the talked about was how fast there pee cee,s were and how good the games were how fast they surfed the net Etc.
One of them said your still in the dark ages in computing arnt you, and i replied what are you on about he said you still use an A1200 they died years ago .
So i asked him did he ever use one he laught out loud not a chance in hell he said how can you even call it a computer !so i didnt say too much and briskly said ow well not worth aruing over .
After a while i said to the guys how about we have a look around on the net
so off we went into the comp room (now my A1200 is in a tower and is a 603e+210/060/50 grex voodoo3/3000 128 meg ram has usual pc speakers and diamond view monitor) i promptly went on the net using ib 2.3 and after a while the same person who was bagging out my 1200 .
Asked what version of windows are you running i looked at him and was lost for words ,i ignored him and just carried on all of the guys were commenting how fast it was displaying the pages and that it was way faster than their pee cee,s .
then the amiga bagger asked me what pentium speed was it i said what do you think ? he said ive got a p3 @ 900mhz and its not as quick as yours on the net .
I burst out laughing and blerted out this is one of those A1200,s you recon isnt a computer he called me a liar and stated thats not possible !
so i showed him the work bench as i run in dopus magellan .
But still he completely dimissed that there was any chance it could be an Amiga  .
sSo i pulled the tower appart and showed him that it was but he still wouldent beleive me he just kept saying where have you got the pc hidden theres no way the amiga could ever be that good .
So after many hours trying to prove it was the 1200 he still called my a liar and just walked out on me and so did the other guys
now they wont even talk to me as they recon i set it all up and i used a pc embedded somwhere in the house ,They told me if i admit that i set them up they woul talk to me again
I now realize that they must be so pee cee brain washed they cant even see reality
I lost 5 friends and all i did was show them how my 1200 worked  

Offline poweramiga2002

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Re: PeeCee Gamers ha! What a funny bunch eh. lol!
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2003, 04:36:31 AM »

Can't have been very good friends, NOT KNOWING WHAT AN AMIGA IS? I'M OUTRAGED!

Your better off without the sort of friends who'll dump you for what they think is a practical joke. DUMB-ASSES!

Looks like ive embarrased them too much ,i tried to talk to them again now they bag the crap out of me about miggy and ibook ,imac.
They told me dont bother talking to them about computors untill i get a real one ( pc) so thats it for me i couldent give a rats ass about em any more .
Both my Amiga and ibook would kick there systems asses my mac friends dont have prob with Amiga and my Amiga freinds dont have prob with my macs i wonder if its just a typical pc attitude?
well they miss out not me ill see my A1 run they wont !!!