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Author Topic: Torture!  (Read 4202 times)


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Offline J_Biscuit

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Re: Torture!
« on: December 07, 2007, 07:46:48 PM »

motorollin wrote:
Stevo wrote:
Ehm, you bought OS4 for classic, but you have nothing to run it on (in the foreseeable future even)?

Correct. Having waited such a long time, there's no way I'm going to miss out on the opportunity to own OS4. I would really hate to one day get the hardware and then find the OS is no longer available.


hmm.. trouble is, If the OS was no longer available, then that would probably indicate outfit producing it has gone bump, or that they are no longer supporting it, in any fashion at all. This would probably mean that the hardware is in even rarer status, or is no longer working!

As much as i can kinda see the nice side of what you are trying to do.. it is a mute point. If you can't use the os, you are not going to call for more sw to be written for it, are you gonna support these companies in the same way?

i doubt it.

If the companies that make the cards have gone tits up, and there is as like as makes no difference going to be no hardware available. Ever. At least for the classic version of os 4

Somebody find the card, pull it apart, trace the routes, make a copy for yourself, up to you if you copy any firmware naturally.. and build your own facsimilie or variant.

You might piss someone off who isn't making said dead hw but then you might make them build the buggers again. But {bleep} the bed.. if you are not manufacturing and selling..

likewise, if you have the hw, but you can't buy the os.. you'd simply rip it because there is no way of getting it, and no way to support the people who made it.

And you would.


Offline J_Biscuit

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Re: Torture!
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 08:28:09 PM »
heh.. rolling yer eyes at me !

Fair enough for the first comment.


as i said.. If you suddenly had the hardware to hand.. but no where and no way to legitimately get the software you wanted, because it isn't manufactured anymore you would leave your expensive paperweight in the cupboard as opposed to nabbing a copy off your mate?


Let's not confuse tings there..

oh, the 11 days bollocks.. well.. not worth dragging over.

Eat your chocolate egg.