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Author Topic: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"  (Read 43963 times)


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Offline wawrzon

AROS exists solely because AmigaOS has been in constant legal limbo ever since 1994.

i dont think so. aros has likely been attempted to move to a platforms amigaos has not been supposed to run on. in order to become hardware agnostic the os would need some serious rewrite anyway. thats why opening the sources of amniga os might be helpful to improve aros and its compatibility, but it wouldnt render aros project irrelevant in any way.

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2020, 01:48:24 PM »
I’ve got to agree with Thomas here. Without strong governance there is real risk of fragmentation from an open source model.

oh man. im apparently late to these walls of text orgies. now, one thing i always am puzzled about is, why those who long so much for dictatorial situation do really want to align themselves with anything amiga. in my recollection amiga was always about anarchy. and it remains so. even the shady character of many if not most related projects and individuals behind them is an emanation of this fact.

bringing up open source in general or specifically aros, as if it was chaos incarnate in this comparison is slightly ridiculous.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2020, 01:51:23 PM by wawrzon »
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Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2020, 01:50:35 PM »
AmigaOs is more an example of "how not to do it" than a good starting point for a development. You might be quite disappointed about the helpfulness of its sources...

a agree. this lection has been learned. therefore aros.

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2020, 07:22:22 PM »
dream on.

while work is being done without all these essential considerations. on amigadev slack channels people meet around the hour and work is being done on m68k and vampire stuff along with daily aros development and assets to os4 such as sdl 1.2 and 2.

i prefer uncoordinated community effort than nothing at all and certainly over useless talk.

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2020, 12:58:08 AM »
hate to think we might have gathered ourselves around something that would drag ourselves along into the mud.
other than that, yeah, as i already mentioned, we are actually organizing ourselves. kind of. perhaps not in a way you would like. but everybody is free to stay away.

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2020, 06:49:19 PM »
Who prevents me from taking the sources and create my own fork?

why in hell do you think anyone should prevent you?

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2020, 06:51:03 PM »
If Ben wants to free the IP, or Ben finally sells the IP to Trevor and he's freeing it
haha.. ha.

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2020, 05:50:35 PM »
amiga system as a "successful product on desktop".. i think someone mentioned already, that it looks like the decisive part of audience is either collecting it or buying it "to support the platform".

you dont need any improvements to a quarter of century old os, to flawlessly run quarter of century old software. the few flaws are easily overcome to fire up this or other game, especially in winuae.

so this whole effort is actually about "upgrading the os" even if denied, for just a small group of people who really are using it for for productivity. are there any left? of is it an effort for very those who like to "to toy with the os" and its source code, while claiming it would be wrong, if others had this opportunity too.

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2020, 02:48:53 PM »

I don't get this fixation on ancient OS3.1...You want to replace AROS code with OS3.1 code to get an improvement in terms of speed and compatibility but the result would still only be OS3.1 which is 25 years behind. You would need to then fix all the OS3.1 bugs yet again. At least you should want to base AROS on a more recent and better version...!?

and i dont get your fixation in implying aros is just an incomplete 3.1 wannabe. it is widely known that aros is on pair on os4 and morphos in many areas, and probably better in some (latest gallium/mesa as example) even though this might not affect m68k that much. it is known that aros code has been used in morphos, as morphos team properly shared back their changes. it may be that aros code is used in os4, but it was never admitted (x-kernel - multicore experiment? ;))

now, that aros is a reimplementation, and not just of 3.1 (as you wrongly insist, just to make it look bad), but compatible to the whole range of 1.x-3.x, it might be obvious to an intelligent person, that it doesnt necessarily introduces 3.1 bugs in the first place.

edit: as its pretty sure now you will start a rant about your pet reaction not being implemented in aros, ill just remind, that stone age old class act was happily running on aros last i have checked and enough for any reaction app i was motivated to try.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2020, 02:52:23 PM by wawrzon »

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2020, 05:16:02 PM »
I don't know how AROS is managed, but AmigaOs has - in the meantime - a pretty workable build infrastructure that can be executed on Linux.

you mean a build system? yes. aros has this. it can be executed in linux. it can be executed on darwin as far as i gather from commits and developers (but im personally not using it). its has been used under windows apparently for mingw hosted, but i think it isnt maintained right now. and it has also been possible to a degree to build aros natively on aros (target platform), but this also is not properly maintained right now. however it should be possible to build smaller apps natively. the choice of gnu tools, etc. are building from contributions and one can run them on aros.

as compiler there is a choice of gcc version varying currently from 6.5-0 to beta 10. the previous have been obsoleted. on darwin apparently also clang/llvm is being used.
the usage and handling of aros build system is pretty easy on any linux i came across. its just configure, followed by target and demanded flags and then make. you can also clean, build or rebuilt particular modules. such as specific programs/binaries. yes it has some quirk here and there, but altogether is pretty versatile.

when building m68k as example you can set up the build dir as a drive in fs-use for testing and off you go. when testing ppc you may want to choose the built bootiso as your boot drive in qemu. testing linux hosted i396/x86_64 is straight forward as it gets.

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2020, 06:24:23 PM »
btw. no need to guess. the (current) source is in the open and everybody can download or browse it and check for themselves:

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2020, 03:33:50 AM »
beneficial changes would/could be integrated back into the "main" repo.

thats probably the very philosophy behind forks and pull requests on github, right?

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2020, 03:36:25 AM »
btw. judging by commits tonight looks like our llvm toolchain improves.

Offline wawrzon

Re: "Hyperion and Cloanto allegedly close to finalizing settlement"
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2020, 04:29:40 AM »
tbh. there are forks of aros, an example is abi v0, a base for current x86 distri, which is being maintained, sort of in a separate repo, while most of work is done on abi v1, also arix and probably anubis were kind of forks. and there is sure few more, but they dont seem to gain much attention. also we provide a kind of slightly modified fork of the main repo, for stuff that doesnt belong there.

edit: and actually almost anyone contributing to aros hosts himself a fork of main repo, containing his own changes and experiments..
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 08:39:57 AM by wawrzon »