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Author Topic: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?  (Read 22015 times)


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Offline wawrzon

why to use most outdated and cumbersome ui such a as aweb if there are much more advanced and up to date front ends? such as odyssey, aros owb, netsuf mui gui on aminet might be possible to adapt or be used as reference.

also, why not simply help with updating odyssey to latest webkit engine. what might not be a trivial task, considering apparent endiannes issues becoming more problematic in later versions.

having mui frontend would made the source potable between all amiga(like) platforms: amiga, os4, orphos and aros (all flavours).

Offline wawrzon

Re: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2018, 05:48:52 PM »

well you will need to grow some skin if you seriously want to deliver something.

the community has become wary being scammed for money in the past and being exposed to grandeur propositions on subject like this.

i dont think im going to participate in any crowdfunding especially in five digits figure, but i think i have asked some valid and constructive questions before.

despite not being a coder im working myself on an update to odyssey (webkit) and maintain a repository (fork of deadwoods sources). my source currently compiles for i386, ppc and m68k and has been tested working on i386. the other targets need to be debugged. then we might be talking about updating the webkit core, if experienced people help, that is.


you certainly have had opportunity to see odyssey os4 code base. but in case you want to join in, there is a slack community working to deliver different projects to widest possible amiga(ng) platforms. among others there are people working on odyssey, either there or on new aros-exec.


« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 05:56:51 PM by wawrzon »

Offline wawrzon

Re: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2018, 10:16:42 PM »
@wawrzonif there were 5000 active amigaos4 users
there aint that many. certainly there aint that many donors. you will probably should consider yourself happy if you will find a few hundred donors in the whole amiga community, including all offshoots. thats the reality of the situation.

Don't take the earlier comments personally.  They're just still a bit angry over the TimberWolf/Firefox debacle.
im not angry. i have not even supported this bounty as it was clear to me where it was going from the start with. im just actually trying to provide some context within which such a project could be approached.

Offline wawrzon

Re: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2018, 11:34:01 PM »
if you can program, and that for a living, you are aeons ahead of me. there is always a way you can make yourself useful to an extent. if you have time and motivation. but i bet you know it.;)

Offline wawrzon

Re: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2018, 03:41:52 PM »
we have an existing up to date WebKit/JSKit engine port that runs on embedded PowerPC systems with few dependencies on OS provided libs, that we can potentially use.

thats convenient starting port. you will have though to consult the existing odyssey sources anyway, as they already contain not only endian/ppc but also system specific integration for all amigalike platforms (morphos, os4 and aros) with the exclusion of the genuine os, but morhos and aros apis follow the genuine quite closely, so it shouldnt be impossible to support that too. it would be wasteful to sompletely start over if you can adopt existing implementation, even though i know webkit code changed a lot in the meantime as i have been diffing it to see for myself.

I have been cynical of the Frieden brothers since ~2003, the reason there has not been a 68K update of Python in all that time is because the Frieden brothers refused to share the changes they made to Python for OS4 back to me to include in the 68k build,

yeah, this seems to be the usual experience in this context. speaking of 68k you will certainly have to add few patches to even get it to compile for this target, not to speak of cmake lists and such. ppc ones wont be enough, but for this you can also consult the odyssey sources i and hans have been linking to.

Offline wawrzon

Re: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2018, 03:01:49 PM »
As for 68K support, I already mentioned while it would be great to be able to do, the combination of missing dependencies like cairo, lack of recent version of GCC, and the need for 200MB+ RAM would seem to rule it out.

we do have all necessary dependencies on aros and compiling for m68k. there is no excuse, odyssey cannot be made to run at least on winuae.

Offline wawrzon

Re: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2018, 03:19:21 PM »
im not telling you to base your project on aros owb (which as it has been pointed before is different from odyssey, as the later has a many years newer webkit engine) nor even upon the code base of the latter one, but i wanted at least to point you to some reference you might want to be using (or have an option to look at). while im unlikely to support, especially a bounty for a browser restricted to os4 audience, i wish you luck and just try to be helpful, in case you think, im attacking your effort.

Offline wawrzon

Re: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2018, 11:17:28 AM »
of course feasibility of an amiga (m68k) port is disputable. i have not (yet) been able get odyssey to run on even an emulated amiga. all i can say, is that aros owb, with older webkit engine is working on an a4000/060, albeit very slow.