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Author Topic: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"  (Read 52478 times)


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Offline wawrzon

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:04:13 AM »
Does anybody really think Acube and A-Eon are so dumb that they would spend money time and all the rest and not have thought through every bit of what they are doing.

perhaps "dumb" is not the right word. but there is a history of questionable decissions. as example the so called minimig+. do i need to dig further?

Offline wawrzon

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2015, 01:16:55 PM »
Quote from: Niding;797269
And noticed during the interview with one of the Fridens that hes considering Chrome instead of Timberwolf.

prepare for another bounty porting chrome to os4 in the coming years then.

Offline wawrzon

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2015, 09:31:22 PM »
Quote from: Fransexy_;797311
A 2014 Intel cpu:


Ok, well, not 1,2 but 1,3 only; not big difference
There is even 2015 intel chips with mere 1,4

*I know GHZ says nothing to compare different cpu power. i only respond at the (contempt)question quoted

one more time reffering to smartphone cpus for comparison?

Offline wawrzon

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2015, 02:24:31 PM »
Quote from: Andre.Siegel;797371
Does this sound like people who rely on this to make a living or like individuals who work on this as a passion project (like pretty much anybody else in this community)?

not even individual computers, while serving hobby customership, is being run as charity. as long as one dedicates a finite amount of his time to what is his hobby anyway, as in case of software, and then shares it with others, it is one thing. but as soon as you yourself need to make considerable investments, as in case of hardware development, production, retail and service, if you wouldnt expect return at least at some point in the future, it would be straight out giving money away to strangers. i have hard time to believe anyone in hardware branche is operating like that, not in amiga, not even in os4 sector.

edit: after consideration the closest to what i describe above is probably majsta and his vampire boards, still he resonably tries to keep his investments covered, even if certainly his dedicated time isnt any close to generate return. from this perspective, as own development acube boards are probably being sold at some discount, which is possible as long as it is as an "in house" development. in contrary to that aeon initiatives seem to be based on a sort of shares, sold to fans with the hardware they purchase. not shares on the company though, but rather contibutions to finance certain hardware projects.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 02:31:59 PM by wawrzon »

Offline wawrzon

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2015, 07:16:30 PM »
Quote from: nicholas;797389
Do you use the OS Maths libraries in your own stuff or internal routines?  I'm wondering just how big a percentage of 3rd native OS4 programs don't use the OS libs and also how this incompatible FPU would affect 68k programs that don't use them.

im not sure about boadblues, but given that almost all software today is more or less quick and dirty ports and that on os4 so objects support must have been added, to avoid the neccessity to build amiga dynamic libraries, which is probably a task hardly anyone is capable and patient to do anymore. id say chances are that almost everything is linked statically this days. which means the code that demands fpu needs to be recompiled for this board.

Offline wawrzon

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2015, 05:58:45 PM »
im pretty sure fpus are totally overrated. it just a fancy of chip designers. all the code is equally well executed in software. same for all other sorts of hardware acceleration btw.

Offline wawrzon

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2015, 06:50:54 PM »

as long as you are staying with and run parallax scrolling games as popular on amiga you will be fine with integers. who needs all these 3d software flooding us to the death anyway.

Offline wawrzon

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2015, 11:40:30 AM »
Quote from: Oldsmobile_Mike;797478
Means that it doesn't bog down when multitasking like a single-core Athlon XP trying to play multiple YouTube videos at the same time (ask me how I know this, LOL).  ;)

ill just copy my considerations from aw.net in here:

i would expect linux to decode and play video content on the gpu, the machine merely shoving video data through the bus. also i would expect linux to have working hardware mesa/gallium acceleration, so it shouldnt have problem with playing the simplest gl demo. i dont know what the libre office presentation do, but i expect that, similarly to video, displaying demo of office software isnt demanding what concerns the cpu or fpu. taking into account that so far i know neither full gpu, nor 3d acceleration, nor even libre office is available for os4, i doubt that such a presentation gives a reliable estimation about, how os4 would run on particular hardware.

Offline wawrzon

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2015, 09:11:23 PM »
Quote from: Spectre660;797686
Unfortunately the regular Debian Mplayer powerpc32 wont run.
Would have to try to compile a non-altivec version but
I suspect that  other components may also causes  problems .
Same issue on the Sam460ex but I compiled a non-altivec version some time ago and that works.Interestingly the regular Mplayer version in Ubuntu-mate 15.10 works ok on the Sam460ex . Tabor does not work with X windows stuff under Lubuntu 15.10. I can experiment and see if I can get a regular Debian benchmark by some means .

well. thats just the taste whats gonna happen i guess. prepare for more threads like this while interesting stuff happens elsewhere.

Offline wawrzon

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2015, 11:03:11 AM »
Quote from: dooz;798087
.....dramatically faster if second core will be soon in use.....

I wrote *IF* as a keyword here, and that is completely different meaning.

in other words usual case of someone entering discussion to post his dreams and visions.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2015, 11:17:55 AM by wawrzon »

Offline wawrzon

Re: New ppc board by Acube/A-Eon: A1222 "Tabor"
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2016, 05:35:39 PM »
Quote from: F0LLETT;814058
lol, Im sure you ment 2000 euros, :).

.. in which case if the final price arrives after all the rumours under eur 1k,-- itll be considered cheap. ;) relax!°!