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Author Topic: Macworld: Turn your G4-era Mac into a next-gen Amiga  (Read 18385 times)


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Offline wawrzon

Re: MacWorld: "Turn your G4-era Mac into a next-gen Amiga"
« on: June 16, 2014, 08:45:59 PM »
"...Macs and Amigas can walk together, hand-in-hand, along the sandy shores"???? wtf???

Offline wawrzon

Re: Macworld: Turn your G4-era Mac into a next-gen Amiga
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2014, 05:43:56 PM »
Quote from: nicholas;767248
Perhaps the registration tool could be modified to have a "Where did you hear about MorphOS?" type thing for the next release?

just to have another thing people would complain about?

btw, have briefly checked the thread and see a lot of criticism. looks like 90% of general public doesnt exactly see the point in morphos, for reasons that could be applied to other amiga ng solutions as well, perhaps with some exceptions in favour of aros. points being, quite expectably like:
1. high cost of the system (i mean 50-100eur is already consdered high entry fee as you can check for yourself). many consider that it should be free and open source to be worth attention.
2. lack of software to justify usage, especially in comparison to unlimited alternatives especially from the linux world.
3. in comparison to genuine amiga its better to get  the real thing
and so on..

it looks like in the outside world no ng solution can beat the genuine amiga till this day, no matter how much you would argue with people. vox populi vox dei. guess, it is some food for thought, especially for those who want to reach the wider audience with their solution of choice.

Offline wawrzon

Re: Macworld: Turn your G4-era Mac into a next-gen Amiga
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2014, 06:19:49 PM »
But there is no solution to this problem.

probably not. and im not saying morphos is in vain or should now reconsider the course. still reding the comments directed towards morphos i accidentaly kind of got reassured that anything closer aligned with the genuine system (be it some new software or fpga hardware) would probably gain a warmer welcome, less bait and less doubt.

Offline wawrzon

Re: Macworld: Turn your G4-era Mac into a next-gen Amiga
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2014, 06:28:58 PM »
Quote from: XDelusion;767262
Ya... it sucks, they should have went with the Deskmate look instead.

im also not so sure why does the morphos screenshot get so much flak. but then its a little a question of fashion, and when it comes to fashion its easy (and cruel) to fall behind. at least excessive use of gradients isnt probably what is considered up to date, and i must say win8 with its lack of all that questionable eye candy has met my approval.

Offline wawrzon

Re: Macworld: Turn your G4-era Mac into a next-gen Amiga
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2014, 07:01:12 PM »
Quote from: itix;767270
What you mean is some kind of Amiga 3200. 68k compatible, OCS/AGA compatible system with modernized operating system.

sort of.. ;) i must admit i just started to work on aro68k 8 color planar icon theme bound to magicwb palette. and i enjoy the limitations!

Offline wawrzon

Re: Macworld: Turn your G4-era Mac into a next-gen Amiga
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2014, 10:36:33 PM »
remembering that it was piru who posted benchmarks a lot i would assume being interested in benchmarks also apply to morphos people, at least as long as benchmarks suit the purpose.

still im not talking about benchmarks here, just about the reaction and the expectations of wider audience. thanks to the articles in question morphos is currently experiencing some for amiga-like systems considerable and exceptional media coverage. i think it is worth to take the oportunity and validate the feedback, and take it seriously, because however misleading and uninformed the articles themselves may be, this is what might be potential target audience and this might be indications where the yet open opportunities are. if not for morphos then maybe for others.