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Author Topic: Hello Amigans  (Read 3693 times)


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Offline MarkTime

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Re: Hello Amigans
« on: March 24, 2004, 06:50:13 PM »
Welcome Balis,

As you can tell there are quite a few options.

If I can weigh in, they all have their merits and drawbacks.

The classic amiga is going to be expensive to update and is a bit of a kludge with all the add-ons and bits...but it is a real Commodore/Amiga Tech solution and some enjoy it for the retro feel.

The PC solutions like AROS and WinUAE are not 'PowerPC' compatible...and that is the official direction.

There are two PowerPC motherboard solutions, the Pegasos compatible...which is a bit risky, whether it will run OS 4 or not,..however it does have its own amiga compatible OS, MorphOS, which is available to purchasers of the board, and then there is the AmigaONE, which is the official new 'amiga'

but the last has its own issues, its very expensive and only runs Linux right now...OS 4 is not released.

I'm glad to have you here, but I suggest keep running WinUAE and wait.

Someday OS 4 wil be released and there is some talk of a lower cost AmigaOne mobo...  if that happens, then the choice may be clear.

However...many have waited for years for that to happen, and have gotten frustrated and bought a pegasos.  If you don't like waiting...a pegasos may be good for you too.