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Author Topic: 68k Mac Gaming  (Read 2432 times)


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Re: 68k Mac Gaming
« on: August 18, 2017, 11:16:16 AM »
Quote from: fishy_fiz;829738
There seems to be a select group of 68k Mac games that are mentioned when it comes to running software under emulation with Shapeshifter/Fusion/Basillisk that doesnt exist for the Amiga. Warcraft1/2, Marathon, Settlers2, Dark Forces, Alone In The Dark 1/2/3 and a few others being the main suspects.
While browsing through the MacGarden website however I was surprised to find there's actually a significant commercial game base for 68k Macs. It received quite a few fmv style game ports from the 3do. It also has a ports of Super Wing Commander (essentially enhanced version of WC1, but using a new engine and some WC3 assets), Rebel Assault 1&2, Actua Soccer (3d texture mapped soccer game) and a whole lot more.

Now firstly Im interested to hear what games people have tried under Mac emulation? Other than the handful of games I mentioned you dont hear a lot about mac gaming on the Amiga.

Secondly it's kind of interesting to see more "advanced" games than what the amiga typically received on a 68k system. While the Amiga did get a lot of good games they were typically, with a handful of exceptions, quite "retro" style, resembling 16bit console games.

Running some of this Mac stuff on my a1200 is quite cool, but also sort of makes me feel shortchanged. Clearly a fast '030 and upwards (especially '040 and '060) with some fast RAM is capable of a lot more than we typically got.

even an 020  with fast ram would have helped.