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Author Topic: Creating ADFs... Any other bright ideas?  (Read 3743 times)


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Re: Creating ADFs... Any other bright ideas?
« on: November 23, 2002, 07:10:03 AM »
@Korodny & all

Hi guys, just to add a little more info,

Quote: "The CAPS (Classic Amiga Preservation Society) project is working on a
way to dump original game disks to HD"

Actually, that is done. It was the "easy bit". We can now dump anything - well
at least the 4000+ disks dumped so far have not posed a problem. :)

Quote: "(similar to "ADF"'ing a disk)"

Not really, but the effect is the same :)

"They are furthermore working on various solutions to make these diskimages work
under UAE."

Quote: We are currently in talks with them and are right now writing the code that will
allow UAE to support the images.

Quote: "But they need to implement support for each copy protection system seperately,
so it may take a while until your games are supported."

Not really, any game can be dumped - we do not need to know the copy protection
to do that. However, to allow an emulator to use it, or write it back to disk
(writing back to disk is the primary purpose od the project - running the games
in emulators is just a nice side effect ;) we need to not just know *what* is
on the disk, but *how* it is stored - i.e. if we wrote it back to disk we would
need to know *how* to write it back.

This is where the protection comes in. We need to add support for each one, and
each custom track format (which is different really). But you will be pleased to
know that we know 95-99% of disk formats now so nearly all games can be checked
and supported.

You may find things start happening soon.

Anyway, thanks for the plug!
The Software Preservation Society