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Author Topic: Quake 2 Amiga  (Read 6681 times)


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Offline RobTopic starter

Quake 2 Amiga
« on: November 04, 2002, 09:45:16 PM »
Has anyone else bought Quake 2 yet?

I bought it at the show on saturday and I must say it runs very well
on my BlizzardPPC 210Mhz.  If you've got the kit for it and havn't
played the game before then I recommend you buy it.

Offline RobTopic starter

Re: Quake 2 Amiga
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2002, 12:16:54 AM »
>How much did you pay for it?

It was £30 for the Hyperion disk and a PC version of the game bundled
together.  A bit pricey but it puts food on the table for Amiga
dealers and developers alike.  I think you might be able to buy the
Hyperion disk alone, not sure of this though.  You do get a load of
mods as well though.

>Annoying to play with a pad though.

Hyperion have included an option for CD32 pads and the PSX port
adapter thingy so you can re-create frustration if you want. : )


Offline RobTopic starter

Re: Quake 2 Amiga
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2002, 01:23:08 AM »
Oh by the way, thanks for all your hard work Steffan (that goes for
at Hyperion too).