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Author Topic: Forum Moderation Techniques  (Read 15973 times)


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Offline Damion

Re: Forum Moderation Techniques
« on: February 04, 2004, 09:18:29 AM »
My comments about this...

I understand why the thread was locked, and I really don't think it's a big deal...but on the other hand, there
was some useful discussion present, and considering the subject matter, I think it was actually pretty mild...

MarkTime wrote:


I don't have a particular issue with the moderation on this site, it seems usually to be fairly light, and not coming too
often. I don't think the moderators are power mad, they just use their power at times, in a response to the frustrations
members are having about posts. Unfortunately, I think there is a misunderstanding amongst the membership about what
moderation can and cannot do, and its the membership, constantly harassing the webmasters with complaints, that is the
real problem.

Everyone, if you ever wrote a webmaster complaining that a thread was out of control --> you are the problem.

I agree with this sentiment 100%. I can't count how many times in life that I've witnessed either
myself, or others, get shafted by the crybabies...and I'm not really complaining about it, but it IS
annoying. It reminds me of the old ladies who used to sit in the front row of church when I was a
kid...they made as much trouble for everyone else as they possibly could, probably becasue they
couldn't stand the thought of their own miserable existances long enough to actually DO something
about them.

mikeymike wrote:


I just read that thread. After the first couple/few pages, there was so little useful/accurate content that it is very
 unlikely that the original poster would have found it of any use. I didn't lock it, but I would have done.

IMO there's rarely an "accurate" path to ANYTHING...I expect to wade through some BS, or even
outright idiocy, in pretty much any forum - but it's up to the reader to (hopefully) posess the capacities
which discern what is and isn't useful, *for themselves*. Even if I don't agree, or find it redundant/troubling,
it's still part of the collective "stew"...and it may contain something helpful for others.

In fact, I think that's part of what makes amiga.org such a valuable discussion bed within the community.
People can basically present all their different viewpoints, and maybe something is gained in the process...or
maybe not...but personally, I like having the ability to sift through the "subjectionals". It keeps me a little
more balanced. ;) Yes, some of them are annoying and stupid (some may find 'MY' comments annoying and
stupid), but do we really have to be that fragile about everything...??

I really do think all of the staff here is doing an excellent job. I'm not a moderator, and I'm not envious of
those who are...it's a tough, respectable task, especially considering the "volatility" of personality conflicts
within this community.