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Author Topic: Decissions, Decissions... *sigh*  (Read 2021 times)


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Offline Damion

Re: Decissions, Decissions... *sigh*
« on: November 08, 2002, 05:05:25 AM »
 Well, I agree. Despite all the talk of 'rotting corpses' and other such B.S, I came back to the Amiga after our brand new Athlon + WinME crashed every day at least five times and had a rough time managing a floppy disk save and 'music match jukebox' at the same time.
 After using this 'modern technology', I was surprised at how well the old A1200 performed with just 2megs and a hard drive, let alone the other upgrades I later bought.
 There are definately advantages to all of those systems you mentioned, but if I had to pick one for daily use it would definately be the Amiga. I can't recall the times lately I've wanted to shoot our stupid PC because it can't even boot it's own OS without crashing at times, while the Amiga is *usually* seamless and fun! Oh, and my 66mhz 1200 boots OS3.9 so much faster than this 1ghz+ Athlon boots WinME...what a complete joke! Actually, the 14mhz still booted up way faster...
 I know the PC hardware is great, but MS just kills it for me.
 Which brings up another point, maybe you could run AOS on your PC? That sounds like an interesting thing. You could get most of the benefits of both platforms while taking advantage of some faster hardware.
 Just my thoughts...

Offline Damion

Re: Decissions, Decissions... *sigh*
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2002, 09:13:49 PM »
WHOA!!! You've got the TurboDuo? I had one of those...some great games were on that system. Hours and hours.

Offline Damion

Re: Decissions, Decissions... *sigh*
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2002, 10:57:59 PM »
Unless of course like me you have loadz of old Amiga software...I would keep the Amiga regardless. They're worth more and more lately anyway. Sell it later if you have too.