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Author Topic: 0S4 development on track  (Read 12764 times)


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Offline Wilse

Re: 0S4 development on track
« on: January 28, 2003, 12:54:51 PM »

before there is supposed to be more of this spam/fud #### i think that all here should sit back and relax , or is this a JOB for you?

While it may be easy for you to sit back and relax, some of us are, well, *were*, expecting a release in March. Yes I know, "launch" apparently does not mean "release" but in light of the *complete* lack of clarification regarding what "launch" actually means, I (perhaps stupidly, granted) assumed the implication was OS4 would be released *before* March. The wording of the announcement seemed to imply this to me.
Now, reading between the lines of the threads here, it seems it's the other way round. That has disappointed me. I appreciate the reasons for not giving a release date but impatience is creeping in. I for one, do not want a useless (for me) linux machine sitting there for eleven months. If it isn't going to be here for March/April, I'd probably be better spending the cash that I have *now* on a mac.

Basically I want a new computer. Ideally, I want an Amiga. So I ordered one in November. The money is still sitting in my bank account. I expect the machine to arrive next month. The OS, I was expecting by the month after that. Now I'm not so sure.

Al, if you're reading this, I may be joining you.

Offline Wilse

Re: 0S4 development on track
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2003, 01:54:04 PM »
Hi Seehund:

Yeah, at the time (Nov. 2002) I interpreted this as "calm down people, it will be finished/released earlier, it's just the "LAUNCH" that will be AS LATE AS in March next year", and with Ben Hermans' name on it (and not just McEwen's) I took this announcement more seriously than the usual stuff posted on amiga.com.

This is exactly what I meant. I'm a bit grumpy today, so I'm being perhaps a little more critical and cynical than usual. I just really don't want to wait much longer than March.

Offline Wilse

Re: 0S4 development on track
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2003, 03:05:05 PM »

The nice thing, there is no contradiction.

It could be seen as nice, or not nice, depending on one's priorities.

The only important thing is that OS4 is in development,

Granted, that is a good thing. However, I would like at least an estimated release date. If it is going to be several more months away, I'd rather know now, so I could spend my cash on something else. I'll almost certainly buy it when it's released anyway.

What I don't want is to have spent all my currently available funds on something I'm not going to be able to use for the best part of a year. If I get an A1, OS4 is delayed for many months *and* Genesi won't release Morphos for the A1, then I will be in precisely that position.

Events leading up to this lead me to believe that I'd be able to run MorphOS on my A1 if OS4 was late. That would have suited me fine. Now that is not going to happen but I thought that OS4 would be here for March anyway, so what's another month or so when I've waited this long? Now, I don't know.