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Author Topic: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.  (Read 14051 times)


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Offline Gulliver

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« on: November 29, 2019, 07:20:08 PM »
@Louis Dias

I believe you are more or less right with your assumptions.

For Cloanto it would be a nightmare to get control over 3.2. They don't have the inside knowledge, nor technical infrastructure to carry on the project. They also lack all the third party licenses and the access to OS4 code. Despite all its flaws, Hyperion has all this in a working state.

So it would not be reasonable at all to shoot for a kill, because they will lose it all, and in the best case scenario end up with 3.1 (v40) code that has gaps all over the place and won't compile.

The best solutions for both parties is a mutual agreement IMHO.

Offline Gulliver

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2019, 07:14:30 AM »
I don't see any reason to believe what Cloanto says. I think it much more likely that their current policy of just milking the platform for nostalgia money would continue, rather than advancing the state of the OS.

I for one would certainly not continue developing AmigaOS if Cloanto was involved.

That's funny. First you say that you think Cloanto would probably just milk IP rather than advance the OS, then you say you wouldn't advance the OS for Cloanto.

Almost a self fulfilling prophecy, if it wasn't for your nobody status.


Nobody status? What is this kind of argument?
Do you know what he does and what he did in the past?

I don't really understand these kind of extremist view on things. It is okay that you love Cloanto products, go buy them, and cheer for them, and let the rest do whatever they like and think differently. How can you call another human being like that because he chose to have an opposing view?

Minuous has been a long contributor to the Amiga community in general, supporting different OSes and architectures.

And not only that, he is the person who took the daunting task of porting back ReAction from PPC to 68k, and fixed a lot of bugs down the road, and optimized it in such a way that now works on a 68000 processor. And he started doing this alone, later we all jumped in to help him in the way each of us could.

If it was not for him, AmigaOS 3.2 would not have ReAction included.

He is a truly talented developer. We are fortunate to have him working on AmigaOS.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 07:17:37 AM by Gulliver »

Offline Gulliver

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2019, 04:04:54 PM »
The extremist view is to see myself call someone who's swinging his willy around a nobody, and then assume I must be some big cloanto fan.

You call someone "nobody" because he has an opposing view to yours and takes a personal stand for it. You are willing to humillate this person. That displays some kind of unique devotion. You called it fanatism, not me.

You've got "Us vs Them" tribal mentality, which is ridiculous in software development. The only time "us vs them" is useful is class politics.

Not at all. In fact, I have a different opinion than both Minuous and you. But I can certainly respect the choice you both made without any effort.

I can call him a nobody very easily because it's an accurate and fair response to what he said.

That is where I see a problem. You should not justify that.

He said if Cloanto gets in control of OS3 development he'll take his ball and go home, when his ball is not very important.

Well, he can certainly choose the path he wishes, and you can also think of it the way you want.

Offline Gulliver

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2019, 09:59:00 PM »
I'm not particularly concerned about being a nobody myself, on account of I don't walk around threatening to withdraw the world's smallest contribution to anything in the entire history of human endeavour.

How you label yourself or conduct in life is your own choice, an that should not be enforced upon others.

My advice from a nobody to another nobody is simple: if you want to threaten to take your ball home, make sure people actually want to play with it in the first place. We can all already download classact for free, for the one program that needs it.

You treated a person in a bad way, and if that was not enough you justify it and repeat it all over again.

Offline Gulliver

Re: C-A Acquisition Corp. vs. Hyperion Ent.
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2019, 04:34:48 AM »
I've never found anything shameful or immoral about telling the truth of what I think, I speak with conviction. If you don't like that it's your problem not mine.

Again, I have no problem with your convictions or your view of what you think the truth is.

The problem is not what you say, but how you say it.

You should not treat other people as "nobody" because they do not share your opinion.