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Author Topic: A500 Promo  (Read 5472 times)


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Offline Gulliver

Re: A500 Promo
« on: February 20, 2010, 02:01:27 AM »
I personally believe the CDTV to be a piece of crap, unless you add a ton of upgrades.
But in favour, i must say it is the most sexy looking Amiga of all. I still remember to this day, that poster (was it a poster?) where it stood along with the black floppy drive, black keyboard and of course, a black monitor. It looked really stunning!

Offline Gulliver

Re: A500 Promo
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 02:32:46 AM »
The CD32 at that time was not bad looking, just not so gorgeous.
And yes, the CD32 is far better though not better looking.

One thing i regret still, is that very few accelerators were developed for the CD32. I would have bought a CD32 if it had a 68040 accelerator available, instead of an Amiga 1200.

Offline Gulliver

Re: A500 Promo
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2010, 03:52:01 PM »
You are wrong :)
The slowest 68040, at 25 mhz is twice as fast as the 68030 at 50 mhz!
I would notice a huge difference!