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Author Topic: OS 4 hardware  (Read 9648 times)


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Offline Gulliver

Re: OS 4 hardware
« on: December 04, 2009, 03:57:56 AM »
It should be run on Macs to begin with.
The problem is not that OS4 is underpowered on SAMs, but the fact that the SAM is disgustingly expensive, and low powered, compared to its main rival, MorphOS.
The sad fact is that OS4 due to this, together with performance penalties and lack of features, it is notably loosing market share. Example: lack of USB 2.0 support and widely known bugs and crashes that are not quickly solved. It is that serious the situation, that AROS/IcAROS which has cheaper hardware and USB 2.0 support is even gaining territory, diminishing OS4 market share.
On the other hand, many classic 68k Amiga users, are reluctant to commit the huge amount of money on OS4, because it still lacks its "wow" factor, i mean OS4 is "just" good, and the hardware is a boring, unoriginal and underpowered PPC embedded design with the Amiga name on it. And of course, it has nothing to do with the original Amiga concept of innovation and/or great engineering.

My 2 cents

Offline Gulliver

Re: OS 4 hardware
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2009, 04:51:04 AM »
I agree, but then the SAM should cost less than say 300 EURO for me to think of it seriously!

Offline Gulliver

Re: OS 4 hardware
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2009, 03:06:48 PM »
I totally agree that the Pegasos when released was really pricey, but then how long ago was that. I mean, a lot of time has passed since then...
So when the Pegasos was released it was then at NEARLY the same technlogical pace as mainstream ppc development.
So make yourself this question: Is a 533-733 Mhz PPC motherboard in the year 2009 worth 700 EURO?

This is not about economy of scale! It is about selling overpriced products in a niche market(Amiga), which are remanent stock of other markets, in this case the embedded market.
Economy of scale is the excuse they told you, so you can mentally cope with extremely high prices. Simple proof you are wrong: The Efika motherboard, still selling, with a markup for the retailer (http://www.directron.com) is a 400MHZ PPC design at 66 EURO. So how on earth is it possible that a 533MHZ PPC design (SAM440), costs 700 EURO?

Its hilarious!

Offline Gulliver

Re: OS 4 hardware
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2009, 04:44:54 PM »
Quote from: takemehomegrandma;532596
The Pegasos was never as expensive as the SAM, yet so much more powerful, and they never came close to Apple volumes either.

The Sam price is a result of design decisions, management and business skills.

I totally agree on this one.