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Author Topic: MorphOS : PowerMac G5 Port Update  (Read 8946 times)


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Re: MorphOS : PowerMac G5 Port Update
« on: December 28, 2012, 09:36:50 PM »
I know you can flash some of the nvidia cards, but I am unsure on the ATI cards.  The best ATI card released for the PCIe G5 is the X1900.  Something like this:


I believe the best nvidia officially released was the OEM 6600 but I have seen 6800 and 7800 ones, perhaps those are flashed firmware as I have seen some mentions of that.  Some links that may be of use to you all:


At least with the PCI-X based G5s you can probably use some regular AGP and PCI Mac video cards.

I have a quad G5 with a 6600, might upgrade to an X1900 one day but I'm on the fence about that.

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Re: MorphOS : PowerMac G5 Port Update
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2013, 07:19:14 PM »
Some info on coolant leaks and repairing/rehauling:

leaks: http://xlr8yourmac.com/systems/G5_coolant_leaks.html
repairs: http://xlr8yourmac.com/systems/G5_CoolantLeak_Repair/G5_CoolantLeak_Repair_p1.html
other g5 articles: http://xlr8yourmac.com/systems.html#g5

Lotta blah blah blah on the leaks page but it at least has some pictures so you know what to look for.  The Panasonic units were used later on and seem more reliable than the Delphi ones.

Any coolant system can break down, seals leaking, pump dying, etc.  It's probably just a matter of time.  My G5 quad is used pretty rarely and I don't know how used it was before I acquired it.  No signs of leaking so far, at least.

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Re: MorphOS : PowerMac G5 Port Update
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2013, 11:24:51 PM »
How would you overclock it?

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Re: MorphOS : PowerMac G5 Port Update
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2013, 03:13:45 AM »
Quote from: som99;721075
As far as I am aware that's not possible on the G5 power macs?

That is my understanding as well.  There's some resistor blocks that might help but the firmware or environmental control module detects when the CPU is running at a different speed than the motherboard is expecting and puts the whole thing into failsafe mode, fans blast at full speed and the CPU underclocks (say running a 1.8 GHz in a 1.6 GHz motherboard, underclocks to 1.3 GHz and blasts fans).

The only attempt I've seen is the one I just mentioned but it was using a stock 1.8 GHz G5 in a stock 1.6 GHz motherboard.  No overclocking involved.  The fans didn't freak out under LinuxPPC but the speed was only 1.6 GHz or 1.3 GHz regardless.

So if the bloke knows how to overclock a G5, I'm curious on a technical level.  If it's just wishful assumptions, well, I feel ya, buddy.

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Re: MorphOS : PowerMac G5 Port Update
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2013, 06:12:41 PM »
There are various macs with nvidia video that cannot be replaced.  As an example:


Though I suppose it's only an issue if MorphOS is ported to those platforms.

Multicore wouldn't really help the LAME benchmarks, but it would be useful in video encoding/transcoding and 3D rendering (i.e. fancy raytraced amiga balls).

I'd like to point out, too, that classic MacOS supported multiple CPUs in that it allowed specific applications to take advantage of them.  Some of the old dual and quad PPC 603 systems had photoshop plugins that allowed photoshop to use multiple CPUs.  The OS itself wasn't MP-aware and didn't do squat with the extra CPUs.  Here's an example:


I'm just thinking, wouldn't it be nice to have Blender or Lightwave or whatever take advantage of multiple CPUs?  Leave the rest of the OS and games and applications as they are.  And classic MacOS did that without true memory protection, without 64-bit, and even without being a stable OS!  :)

I'm not saying it's a must-have ability in MorphOS or AmigaOS 4.x or anything like that, but I think there are solutions that won't break existing things and there are benefits for multiple CPUs on a computing platform that's supposed to have a multimedia focus.

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Re: MorphOS : PowerMac G5 Port Update
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2013, 02:52:09 PM »
Quote from: Tenacious;721183
I will keep OS10.4 around on the G4s.  OSX is decent but always seems to be forcing me to do it Apple's way.  MorphOS might be a nice change in this regard.

NetBSD?  Yellow Dog Linux?  http://penguinppc.org/ ?

I'm on 10.5 for all my G4's and G5.  10.3 for the G3's.  I know that some people think 10.5 is slower than 10.4, but 10.4 never really did it for me and I never cared about running Classic--I've got real 68k Macs if I need to do that.  Then again the G4's I have are all above 1 GHz and 1 GB of RAM so maybe that's why I don't notice it being horribly slow.

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Re: MorphOS : PowerMac G5 Port Update
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2013, 06:14:08 PM »
Quote from: Duce;721233
I'm fine with comparisons.  But I'm also happier to put them into real world perspective - no one in their right mind is going out to buy 150 used PPC Mac's or X1000 machines to set up a render farm.  It's money in the toilet, an exercise in inefficiency.  A $300 commodity wintel box could outrun a whole cluster (I use the term cluster loosely, unless you know of a form of networked load balancing/load sharing that would make said cluster on NG systems actually work) of any of the NG Amiga's.

Well, Beowulf clustering has been around for OVER a decade, that would probably work on any NG Amiga that ran Linux:  http://www.mcsr.olemiss.edu/bookshelf/articles/how_to_build_a_cluster.html

Some hippies made a cluster from iMacs so I assume that G4 mac minis running OS X would work, too.

I do like the car-computer analogy, a thread about hardware isn't really good until one of those come up.  The engine is like a CPU!

But honestly, your comparison of a sporty car versus a utility vehicle is more akin to a high-performance workstation versus a redundant server ala HP Integrity Nonstop or some of the IBM POWER servers.  You know, machines that you can hot-swap CPUs and RAM in?  Machines that keep going through any conditions?  Versus something just going for high performance under ideal conditions?

Or maybe the SUV is like a regular PC and the hot rod is like a netbook or tablet?  The regular PC can slog through stuff that the netbook or tablet would have trouble with?  I mean, it can't be just the SUV is cheap like a commodity PC and the hot rod is expensive.  While that hot rod is worth something like $20k to $35k USD, SUVs tend to start at $25k and go up past $50k USD.  They are now more expensive and luxury than full size or large sedans!  And depending on where you live, and I bet Canadia is in this list, SUVs hold their value better than sedans as well, especially if they are 4WD or AWD.

Maybe shift the focus over to workloads, then?  The SUV might handle multiple concurrent transactions, maybe something based on the Sun SPARC T3 (8 cores, 16 threads per core, 128 threads total) and the hot rod would be more like a DEC Alpha of the olden days, just out and out straight IPC and performance?

Or maybe your analogy stinks.

What I don't get is why you, a self-proclaimed Amiga enthusiast, popped into the thread to just whine about how people shouldn't talk about hardware platforms that aren't the old, dead 68k machines that are of no use to anyone anymore.  You souped up your '32 V8 flathead roadster, I'm guessing, so shouldn't you intimately understand the desire to take something old, keep it running, and improve it with newer things like a CyberStormPPC or other peripherals?

Why is throwing money away on limited-use old things ok when it's your car hobby but stupid when it's our computer hobby?  I'd venture that most of the people here use Amigas as secondary systems because they aren't as stupid as you're making them out to be.  I dunno, maybe I'm wrong and most here use their Amiga 1200's as daily machines and wonder why they can't stream 1080p video from Netflix to their 1084.

Either way, I think your posts are in poor taste, offering nothing constructive to the thread for either MorphOS or information on PowerMac G5s.