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Author Topic: Multiple OS users  (Read 8722 times)


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Offline Ami_GFX

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Re: Multiple OS users
« on: November 04, 2011, 03:02:19 PM »
I use Windows Xp Pro mostly on 4 different laptops--3 Thinkpads and one Sony Vaio. I have OS 3.1 on both my Amigas. I had OS 3.9 on my A4000 but the disk crashed and I haven't had time to reinstall it. I use TOS 2.6 on my Atari Mega ST and Mega STE. I also have an older Thinkpad that is just about as vintage as my Amigas--1998--and it multiboots MSDOS, several versions of Windows, Linux and OS/2. I only really use DOS and Windows 2000 on this laptop. DOS for such things as my eprom burner and Parcp to transfer files from my Mega ST and a few other programs I use occasionally that require MSDOS and won't work in Windows. My Amigas also multiboot but not different OSes, different graphic systems. My A2500 multiboots EGS, Picasso 96 and Cybergraphics on it's EGS spectrum card and my A4000 multiboots Picasso 96 and Cybergraphics on a Picasso II.

I also have a a Nokia phone with Symbian but the OS is really irrelevant, the only thing I use it for is Skype via wifi.

I just bought an Ibook G4 with a broken LCD and the new LCD will arrive next week so I will have some version of OSX for a while but my relationships with Macs never last. Usually, one of my friends or associates wants it more than I do and I end up selling it. I've already been asked about this one and I haven't even fixed the LCD or tested it to see if anything else is wrong with it.

Oh, and I should mention Palm OS. I have 3 Palm Pilots in my collection with 3 different versions of Palm OS from 4.1 to Garnet
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 03:04:31 PM by Ami_GFX »
A2500 owned since 1993 with A2630/DKB 2632, DKB Megachip, GVP EGS Spectrum, A2320 and GVP HC+8 on the inside and a DCTV on the outside. A4000D with CSPPC, Cybervision 64 and a Flicker Magic flicker fixer. A4000T Toaster Flyer & CSMKII. All systems completly retro and classic and mostly used to do geometic art as in my avatar.