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Author Topic: My evening with Commodore USA, LLC  (Read 40519 times)


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Offline Darrin

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Re: My evening with Commodore USA, LLC
« Reply #44 from previous page: February 06, 2011, 06:53:53 PM »
Quote from: save2600;613233
Wait... we're talking about CUSA using AROS. Anyway, this is where someone looking for success has got it right. Marketing micro's has always been a numbers game. For those involved that *wanted* to succeed en masse that is. Obviously not the agenda of the X1000 or SAM people, but ahem.... Hardware specs aside, let's just focus on OS's for a minute. Mac is up to 10.6, Windoze is at what... 7? MorphOS is at 2.6. AROS/Icaros is at 1.x?

Marketing wise, it's typical that they'll want to continue the practice of padding *any* numbers they can a bit. Average Joe that's out to purchase a new Commodore computer (not us by a long shot, but the people that are going to substantially monetarily supporting their products) is not going to be keen on low numbers or builds. Perception is everything. So yeah, from a marketing or viability standpoint, a Workbench 5 makes more sense than to call it 4.2 as Joe Blow hasn't been keeping up on the soap opera that has been Amiga trademarking and licensing these past 17+ years.

Not sure if this was exactly the angle you were thinking, just trying to put things into a simplistic marketing perspective. Something the Commodore of yore hardly could be bothered with.  :lol:

Commodore OS5 would make even more sense as I would assume that people would expect a Commodore OS on Commodore computers and Commodore is more remembered amoungst the "not we" that Amiga.
A2000, A3000, 2 x A1200T, A1200, A4000Tower & Mediator, CD32, VIC-20, C64, C128, C128D, PET 8032, Minimig & ARM, C-One, FPGA Arcade... and AmigaOne X1000.

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Re: My evening with Commodore USA, LLC
« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2011, 07:17:40 PM »
Quote from: EDanaII;613238
@ CommodoreJohn:@ Darrin:

So, changing the analogy to something completely different proves the original analogy wrong?

Your original anaology was critically flawed.  It needed "fixing".

The operative word here being "seem." "You're honor, the accused 'seems' to have killed the victim" just won't hold up in a court of law.

Ah, I see you have called the police out to your house because your neighbour has threatened to kill you?  This is a serious waste of police time, please call us back AFTER he has killed you!

Now, before you tear into me as you have Dammy and others, please reread the thread and note that I'm in the Don't-Call-It-Amiga camp.

Does this mean that I too am a sock puppet?

I have read it, but it doesn't excuse C-USA's actions.

You can be "Sue".  :)

(Actually, as an American you're probably not familiar with Sooty & Sweep... and Sue)...
A2000, A3000, 2 x A1200T, A1200, A4000Tower & Mediator, CD32, VIC-20, C64, C128, C128D, PET 8032, Minimig & ARM, C-One, FPGA Arcade... and AmigaOne X1000.

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Re: My evening with Commodore USA, LLC
« Reply #46 on: February 07, 2011, 02:51:59 AM »
Quote from: dammy;613400
Unless of course they are planning to revive it with a modern Amigaoid OS, then the emulator/sandbox is for backward capability for the original OS. So far, all you have seen is the C64x and the Vic series but you want to point to the C64x/Vic as the new Amiga, which it isn't.

Question:  Do you even understand what you're supposed to be selling?
A2000, A3000, 2 x A1200T, A1200, A4000Tower & Mediator, CD32, VIC-20, C64, C128, C128D, PET 8032, Minimig & ARM, C-One, FPGA Arcade... and AmigaOne X1000.