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Offline StarkeTopic starter

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Directly towards Amiga.Org
« on: January 25, 2007, 01:36:09 PM »
Dear Amiga.org,

I think we should setup an Email listing to all those who actually wish to Support Amiga. What you say, whats this, let me explain:

This email listing will then go straight to Amiga Inc and Hyperion, its like letting them know, and making them aware of really, how many around the world would Appreciate the new OS4 and Amiga computers to run this new Amiga standalone Operating system(OS4).

If possible, so I dont have to search for every Amiga site like this out there, we should get into contact with as many Amiga sites that are like yours, and do exactly the same thing, email listing of interest.

Imagine how many people,: the two joint companies,(used to be 4 or 5 joined together with Amiga Inc)would surely start to realise that there is still a market out there for them.

This is half the battle, I bet you Amiga Inc and Hyperion are thinking its an extremely small market, but in reality its not that small yet.

It will be if we dont act on it now. I think this is literally the last shot, before even Amiga Inc and Hyperion decide to Can it, then Amiga will Be canned forever.

Right now it isnt totally canned, thats obvious from what Ive read on the Hyperion website, but anyway, This is just one of the many measures that we should take, asap!

Thank you

Kind Regards

Phillip 8-)
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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2007, 02:08:27 PM »
But surely this time, everyone on this site and other dideicated Amiga sites for Amiga users, the users themselves would be able to email the company directly also, and tell the companies what we want.

its a clear cut case of, a lot of Amiga enthusiasts, who simply dont want to Have Amiga comeback in any way shape or form, coz if they did, they would've bought the A1's just coz they could, in support Of the name Amiga, and for Amiga Inc and Hyperion to start thinking seriously about Coming back onto the market.

So if what you say is true, which I have no doubt that it is, then why the Fuk do we all even bother keeping any AMIGA.


Besides, overall, I still think we should have the email listings, and to do it this year, before April even, or May, or sooner the better.

Then we will see who really is an AMIGIAN and who really wishes for AMIGA to make new OS and software, hardware, computers, and everything else under the sun.


AND SUPPORT AMIGA OR GO TO WinIntel.org or whatever.

Thank you for having an open forums, and I only mean well for Amiga Inc and Hyperion to finally place the OS4 with the new Amiga computers onto the market asap, for all Amiga users current, and to potentially grab others new to the Amiga market. 8-)
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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2007, 02:36:30 PM »
Are you all INSANE?
I dont think there are many Amiga people on this site who actually want newer and better Amigas, but are truly stuck in the past.
If this is the casde, then no wonders Amiga isnt 2nd yet.

Common guys, surely not everyone here is OLD!!!!

And even if most of you are, If you really thought long and hard about it, you would all be in support of a new Amiga COmputer with New OS4 and Amiga orientated programs and software and game goodies.

BUT NO: ALAS: It seems most of you on this site are stuck, and dont wish to have new Amigas, coz your all afraid that this company AMIGA, now AMIGA Inc with Hyperion their brother, may actually make it to be 2nd best in the world.

Even more so, you dont want this to be the case, coz you'd all rather dream about it.


Seriously people, Support your Amiga Company, regardles your emotions about it, You know supporting the Current Amiga Inc is a better choice than Bill Gates the DikHed.

All those who hate the man, fuel that hate and proove to him that Amiga Inc isnt finished yet.

HELP AMiga Inc, and you will create a better world for your kids

The youngest guy on this site, in support of Amiga, was born in 88. SO PLEASE, do not assume Amiga has no chance for the younger market.

Cheers 8-)

AND SUPPORT OUR PARENT COMPANY, let them know, make them aware that we do want new and better things AMIGA related.
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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2007, 02:39:50 PM »

Thank you for the link, now I will let my thoughts be heard in even more places, and get more people emailing Amiga Inc, and donating 2 dollars every two weeks from their paychecks towards Amiga Inc and Hyperion.

Cheers  8-)

GO AMIGA, UNIX, ETC, anything but Microsoft, Never actually support them, buy from computer swapmeets and make your own computer, from parts not made by Intel, IBM or Microsoft.
Pis Them Off.
Lets all show them that home users dont want {bleep} on their PC's Amiga, Macs.
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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2007, 02:49:40 PM »
I was born in 81, it was another user who was 88.

So Im fine thank you

I am just true to my values, unlike you, who seems to think hes supporting Amiga by using onw, but I havent seen you talk anything positive yet, just like more than half the people on this site.

I think the moderators and webmaster are awesome people though, for creating such a site.

I like it, openess.
But most of all, a bunch of Amiga people, who obviously dont want to do anything about it, and would rather except an Old Amiga, willingly knowing that the future for Amiga Inc and the potential for better Amiga hardware and the rest, will slowly fade away completely, and yet, most of you dont even seem to care.
So why do you even keep it as a hobby then? pis it off, unless your serious about your Amiga, and wish to have also newer computers and os4 and the rest of it, then go to windows, be a brainwashed fish in the sea, following the rest of the crowd, and stop pretending that your an Amiga fan and nut.

Its the same if your a car nut, like me, Im a toyota man through in through. Yes I like Porsche and a few others, but as I have two toyotas, rear wheel, I support the company, and stay true. I let peole know about the pros, and give them websites so they can find out the cons themselves. SIMPLE

Cheers  8-)
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Offline StarkeTopic starter

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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2007, 03:12:04 PM »
Sorry Clown man,

I couldnt resist this banana comment.
You must have some type of communist thinking there or something?
Where the hell did you get the idea from, i wouldnt mind knowing, you sound like a PC man, totally, anyway, I will work with this.

banana box hey, well, did you ever think of supporting the Amiga Inc and Hyperion, and telling everyone you know, once it finally comes out, that they should get one, and tell them the pros about it. And let them read or find out the cons themselves over the Hyperion website?

Also to note, Amiga OS4 is not a banana box, amiga operating systems are still the best out there for video editing and anything that would normally require severe power from any other type of OS or system.

So when Amiga Inc and Hyperion finally come out with the New standalone OS4 with Amiga computer, the newest Amiga computer, then isnt it fair to say, if the market it towards the right crowd about all its benefits, that they are sitting on treasure??

Also a BIGGER note: will you be supporting the Amiga Inc and Hyperion when the new Amiga computer and OS4 come out In Early April(still need to confirm dates)??

And do you know why they havent come out with Amiga's own PDA's and mobiles that would be running a standalone OS4 on them by now, because most AMIGA nuts like youself arent even getting off their butts do buy them in support.Yet alone telling your friend, mates and others about it, and that it is a good idea to support Amiga Inc.


How can all of you expect Amiga Inc, yet alone Amiga to continue on in ful strength in the future, with already its own Amiga supoorters not even supporting them??

Thank you

Kind regards

phillip  8-)
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Offline StarkeTopic starter

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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2007, 03:19:55 PM »
Finally, even you are finally supporting other Amiga users, even those who's desire to help AMiga Inc and the Amiga name, desire being strong, very strong.

If enough Amiga users out there here my voice, then more than likely, many may start actually supporting the Amiga properly again.

Thank you for the website link.
You are now seen as some kind of Amiga supporter by me. Apologies to anything that may have been said about the doubt of your support.

Cheers 8-)

And lets all fight with our words to get Amiga Inc and Hyperion into gear and action. Feel free to email them, show your support to the newly found parent company.

Even if this company initially didnt have intention to carry on Amiga, they Obviously still are, even if its not to our liking at the moment.

We just need to help them on this, let them know what would be to our liking, no matter what the odds may be for it to happen, the more people they see in their emails in support, the more likely it'll happen quicker, sooner, faster, better. 8-)
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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2007, 04:10:14 PM »

Can I keep you bud?
My man, I need someone like you by my side here, amongst all the other negative users.
The more I see your typings, the more I realise your inner feelings towards Amiga. Awesome.
Many of the others here just dont care, but I geuss moderators got a point here, Many might not care anymore, as they think anything new from anyone who takes over Amiga, even the new Amiga Inc, 2000 was it??? will not keep their promises.
But I must say, I am more so disapointed, that not many are actually willing to help support Amiga Inc, or even showing a high volume of interest would help via email?
As your good with your words, can you perhaps explain to me why no one has the heat of a tiger anymore here, to actually give it one last shot?
I mean, I think if we got every single Amiga site like this, to email Amiga Inc and/or Hyperion, these two big companies may see more of a need to help us get new Amiga with new software, and for them to finally use their Big BUCKS for good use, and start creating new quality programs.

In the end, I dont know how to express myself here, so it makes it harder for me.

but thank you once again for sticking up for me at yet, another one of my posts, and giving the guys more realistic information.

YES, yes, I know, I mightened be totally up to date with everything here, But I also know we should help to make it happen.

Cheers 8-)
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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2007, 04:18:27 PM »
Mr_500, pleae dont insult me, I have a 1000 amiga.
I have a friend who has a commodore 64

We both are running emulators. he for years, I just started emulating. But wish to get an Amiga 4000T or Amiga one, 933Mhz, if Amiga Inc fail again to comply with their release date of the new Amiga Computer, which ofcourse will be running OS4.

I have 1345 big ass disks for my big ass floppy drives, external for the Amiga 1000. Ive had it since I was a kid, as dadio was into Amigas.
We both had a lot of good times on it. I loved playing Zany golf with dadio, you see, my farther was actually more like my best friend. Anyway, I still play some games, Mega lo mania, capcom street fighter 2, final fight, hehe, even krystal hammer at times. Ahh yes, and then theres the classic, dungeon master.
Man, also got an external hard drive with built in floppy drive. And another smaller floppy drive, not including the one built onto the 1000. Still have the original keyboard and mouse that came with it. MAN, despite the bashings theyve had they still work, unlike PC shet.

SO yeah, please, like I said, dont insult me, or my heart about Amiga related stuff.
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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2007, 04:37:21 PM »

By the way, your post had insulted me a little, as you dont even really know me, and automatically assumed I dont even have an Amiga, when yet, I remeber so many games I used to play on it.

Anyway, that aside, and before you posting, and before I joined, I actually looked at a heap of screenshots, many other webpages, read a lot, I may still be fresh back into the game, but I know what I miss, I miss being happy on a computer, and although My PC is running a 3800 AMDcpu, and a 7900 PCI express card, etc, etc, who cares its not Amiga. My oldskool Amiga gives me more happieness overall.

Now I love playing Oblivion, but at the end of the day, many Amiga games rocked, coz even after you completed them, you'd want to play them again.

Now if you ask me, PC doom, was renamed from the original Amiga game Gloom. But right now, none of this matters, as I wanted to congratulate you.

Ive seen your Amiga 500, and what it can run OS wise, man, I am impressed, infact I dare say, you were the one who inspired me to come out of my shell, and get back to what my heart desires, and my heart is hungry for Amiga.

So, why dont we all try and Get Amiga Inc to do better, by us, what the users of Amiga want?? Anyone here heard of Email?

I admit, I havent emailed yet, as I am still colecting information here, but all you guys, seem to be technically minded more so than me right now in Amiga world, SO why dont you also email them??

Go on, give it a {bleep}, and before you know it, we have 500,000 Amiga enthusiasts around the world emailing them?? and showing interest!!!!

Cheers. 8-)
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Offline StarkeTopic starter

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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2007, 04:50:49 PM »
OK, so Kmos, Amiga Inc, Amiga itself, Gateway, and the one before Gateway who bought Amiga when they first went bankrupt, all had one thing in common, none of their supposed supporters actually told them, via telephone, email, post, card, anything of the sort, and if there were some, not enough to create a ripple in the water, about WHAT WE ALL ACTUALLY WANT!!!


Why dont we do it this time round, just once, every single one of us on this site, just once, and then rest the case, and see what happens, how many peole get replies, and what type of replies.

More so, I am going to try other forums users about Amiga, to do the same. And maybe, If we all think logical about it, If they get enough postings, letters, emails so forth, we start seeing a change, a new lease on the Amiga worlds life, but like this, we might as well hang up our brains before we enter any building with a pc in it, and call our IT support staff, to fix a problem that we could most likely fix ourselves on the amiga. (Mmmmm, actually my farther woulda done this back then.)



Cheers 8-)
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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2007, 04:56:26 PM »

man, not even if it was a whole new computer, you still wouldnt buy?? whats wrong?? you can tell us!!

What would be dissapointing is to see Amiga Inc's downfall if this new system with the standalone OS4 comes out, and none of you buy it, now that would pis me off, and I think Id have to leave it at that for now!!

Cheers 8-)

What Amiga do you own at the moment, I wouldnt want Amiga Mr_500 tearing up a part of u, before he gets to know you!!

(smiles) 8-)
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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2007, 05:19:19 PM »
Firstly I do own the 1000.
Secondly my friend has the 64, but also has a 1200!
Thirdly, If we do support Amiga Inc, then we show initiative, and by showing this, we also show them what we want.
Fourthly, I do not see the relation between apple and amiga here, especially as the Amiga Inc is not directly owned by Bill gates, But Hyperion is helping all three software OS vendors here.
They have helped program Mac os, Amiga os, and Microsofts OS. So does that mean, there are no people supoorting mac company out there coz its owned by Bill gates, NO.
WHY: Because Mac users want to make it evident that they do not want a pc with Windows on it.
Also, the fact that youve just said what you did, indicates to me, that you do not want Amiga Inc, with Hyperion to take their efforts seriously, their efforts being, to try and actually create a new Amiga computer with the New os4. Yes OS4 has been out already, but thats not the bigger picture im highlighting here.

Fifthly:So, I wrote all this on a pc, did you think about me not living on my own here, my pc is quieter, meaning I can talk to you guys now, at 4:17am, Im in Australia remember.

Cheers 8-)

P.S.You must not want a new Amiga computer with new stuff, thats fine, you may be old, but Im not that old yet, and nor is the guy who was born in 88, or for that matter, many other users in there 20's
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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2007, 05:23:29 PM »

OS4 is Hyperion yes?

So Hyperion is joint with Amiga Inc.

Infact, I cant be bothered writing to you, here, read this if you havent already, its 2004 news.

Also, I cant see what would be wrong in supporting a company that is actually trying, or is Hyperion trying harder than Amiga Inc??


Heres the link anyway


I suggest reading the whole site. 8-)
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Re: Directly towards Amiga.Org
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2007, 05:29:03 PM »

Thats just my point, Nissan doesnt make something better or cheaper than toyota at the moment.

But lets not go there! This is a computer forum!

And as for you, you make a point, But a pc has always been worse then an AMIGA.
Check it, I little bit older news:


What the Americans used for spaceshuttles.

Ive also heard they use Amigas for Area 51! But I havent found nor looked yet for info on this.
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