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Author Topic: Amiga PCs on the way....  (Read 34554 times)


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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« on: September 01, 2010, 10:38:01 AM »
Going by the history of this jerkoff I suspect it will be some lameass bargain bucket machine which has zero Commodore styling cues with a fake sticker slapped on the case as it emerges from some generic far east factory. Once again save yourself 50% and just buy something that AROS 100% supports and put it on there yourself....then print out your Amiga sticker and job's a good 'un :)

I wouldn't piss on this guy if he was on fire, let alone give him a penny. And I like how he has added EVEN MORE COPYRIGHTED IMAGES WITHOUT PERMISSION to his shit website I could build in 45 mins using Frontpage from last decade LOL

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 10:42:09 AM »
Quote from: JJ;577037
Soooo funnny.   Yet another company ready to drag the Amiga name through the mud.  I would rather never see an Amiga branded product again than see these muppetts releasing Amiga branded Crap.

Given Amiga Inc disappeared into oblivion I think it's safe to say this is not legally branded anything, just some no talent ass clown making announcements he has no right to, and which are difficult to confirm with Amiga Inc.

It's so weird, if he tried to sell these legitimately on ebay he would get his listings removed for selling counterfeit/copyright infringing goods....but out in the WWW wild west of business.... lol and what makes it worse is all these other so called intelligently run websites picking his promotions/press releases ;)

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2010, 10:43:33 AM »
Remind me never to join that forum then ;)

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2010, 01:28:43 PM »
Quote from: DiskDoctor;577048
I can smell it to, just put mine in too.

Sooo...  Another War is about to begin...  This time AmigaOS v. AROS...

Not really, I have a lot of respect for the open source project that is AROS, I have no respect from some nobjockey putting up bullshit on the Commodore USA (ahem) website cashing in on the name of Amiga and the work of all the tireless talented individuals involved with all aspects of AROS.

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2010, 11:46:45 PM »
Quote from: Franko;577163
Wow what a load of fuss over nothing... :eek:

C'mon folks how many times over the years have we heard all these legal arguments and debates, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee... :rolleyes:

Short of some deranged super die hard Amiga fanatic coming along and willing to spend all his cash on buying up the rights to the Commodore & Amiga legacy and funding new R&D and actually producing a new Amiga, there's not a hope in hell of us every seeing a new Amiga in the true sense of the word. :(

You stand a far better chance of me actually saying something sensible than that ever happening... :biglaugh:

Well to be fair OS4 + AmigaOne X1000 is actually a genuine alternative to PC/Mac. Hell 99% of Mac hardware is identical to Windows PCs.

But this Barry Altman prick of a guy is just a joke and anything he sells stinks of shit. It's not that I expect anyone with a clue to do something clever like reverse engineer the basics of the Xenon CPUd Xbox360 motherboard...it's more that I wish they would just let Amiga die peacefully and with some dignity.

That's all there is to this particular topic I suspect with most genuine Amigans. And that's if you believe Bill McEwan actually granted this or maybe it's just bullshit from Barry because he knows Bill has disappeared down a black hole and so the whole thing is to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Modern OS4 capable hardware = good
AROS used for non profit = good
Barry Altman = prick


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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2010, 12:26:34 PM »
I think we need an URGENT update to AROS......

One where the boot/splash screen has in nuclear green luminous flashing fonts the words "Barry S Altman and CommodoreUSA are a big con, do not purchase, reverse your VISA payment immediately" ;)

Oh and if you want an Amiga PC here is how you make one....

1. Buy PC for peanuts in PC World
2. Purchase boing ball sticker on ebay for 99 cents
3. Boot from your downloaded DVD ISO of ICAROS and choose 'intall' once DVD booted.

Think I will make some bullshit website with the name Commodore somewhere in it and start a new trend of releasing press releases on my website that nobody can confirm because Bill has been kidnapped by Aliens or passed into a parallel universe a la Fringe ;)

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2010, 12:28:41 PM »
Quote from: ajlwalker;577304
Sadly, since making my comment, I've seen two other similar comments on Amiga forums.

It's a lot of money to pay out for an X1000, and I do want confidence in my purchase.  I can't see how a company with such perceived small revenues can continually spend it's time in court.

To be clear I want an X1000 so I can run OS4 on it, not anything else.  I can do that on a PC.  That is it's only use to me.  If Hyperion spend their money and effort on yet another legal case, I can only see it doing them and their product harm.  This discourages me from parting with my money.

Well no, because if anyone would be able to confirm if Bill McEwan even agreed to this it is Hyperion. And if it's bullshit as we suspect some lawyers will be tearing Barry Altman a new asshole in court. Win/win

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2010, 05:42:14 PM »
Quote from: Belial6;577370
That is really the crux of it.

Some mom and pop PC retailer decided to run their business just like most mom and pop PC retailers, but saw an opportunity to appeal to a niche market by selling them in cases, first, that looked reminiscent of Amigas, with a commodore sticker slapped on it.  Then announced plans to make replica cases and sell PCs in those.  For those that want their PCs to look like that, great.  For those that don't, who cares what some mom and pop PC shop does?

Yes, you can buy a used Amiga cheaper.  So what?  Lots of us buy new thing that we could buy cheaper used.

Yes, this isn't the original hardware.  So what?  Many of us run emulated Amigas.

Yes, you could get the same equipment in a case that doesn't look like an Amiga/C64.  So what?  Lots of cases are purchased strictly for their looks.

Yes, they used a copyrighted image without permission.  So what?  So have the rest of us, and it is actually quite common in mom and pop shops.  It this really offends you, don't buy from them.

Yes, they are using a trademark they didn't create.  So what?  Either they have a legal right to it or they don't.  They are not fooling anyone, or even trying to fool anyone about what the actual product is.

I don't get all the hate that is heaped on this guy.  If you like the product he sells, buy it.  If you don't, don't.  I run emulation, so I like what he is presenting.  He isn't promising to release a new architecture with a new OS that is going to be better than anything currently on the market.  He isn't promising a revolution.  He is promising (promise may even be too strong of a word) stock PCs with a Commodore logo on it, and a couple of replica cases with standard PC hardware.

The Amiga community has had a lot of pie in the sky promises that never panned out.  Some that really couldn't pan out.  That doesn't seem to be what is happening here.  A couple of replica cases with PCs inside, and full AROS driver support is a lot less ambitious than many of the products we have actually seen released.

Certainly the MiniMig was a more complex project than a replica case.  Certainly AROS as a whole was a lot more complex than just the few drivers necessary to make a particular machine AROS compatible.  Certainly MorphOS and AmigaOS 4 are more complex than replica cases.  Even the Indivision and Catweasle are more complex than this.

There is nothing that has been presented so far that indicates that this modest project is not real.  So, lets just not send prepayments and wait and see.  If the machines don't show up, no problem.  We still have our money.  If they do, great!

1. Running a legitimate respectful business and using copyrighted material without permission is mutually exclusive.

2. The Commodore stickers were a bit of a farce legally speaking.

3. Those machines being sold are about 40% cheaper when purchased from other outlets.

4. Is this Amiga deal even 'real' and confirmed in a legal capacity by Bill McEwan who has fallen off the face of the earth ??

These and many other issues will never be answered by B S Altman, 'CEO' of CommodoreUSA*

*not legally linked to any Amiga or Commodore IP owning companies despite the name.

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2010, 05:49:02 PM »
Quote from: takemehomegrandma;577373
What I was implying, is that you seem to believe that someone would file a trade mark somewhere. But why would that be necessary?

Take Hyperion's settlement with Amiga Inc for example; "AmigaOS" is not a trade mark in its own, AFAIK. I'd say there is *only one mark*, and that is "Amiga". It is owned by Amiga Inc, and no-one else.

What Hyperion seems to have, is *merely an agreement* stipulating that "OK, we (Amiga Inc) will not sue you if you use our Amiga mark in the following ways 'AmigaOS', 'Amiga OS', 'AmigaONE', 'Amiga ONE', when marketing your OS4".

AFAIK, no-one would need to file anything anywhere in order to make such an agreement, and I think Commodore has a similar deal!


Legally the business scope of Hyperion, and hence those actions that are permissible by Amiga Inc, are actually laid down officially in the outcome of the Amiga Inc vs Hyperion court case settlement.

Of course you need proof for permission to sell shoddy no-brand Chinese PCs with Amiga/Commodore logos, and a pathetic markup via some ham-fisted website, there has to be something somewhere legally speaking. Whether that agreement is ever made public is up to B S Altman.

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2010, 06:02:07 PM »
Quote from: tone007;577360
Selling the product is the easy part, since it already exists! Anyone on this forum could buy and resell an already existing computer after adding a sticker to it.

The only product in question is the custom C64 breadbin shaped machine, which would require new cases to be manufactured.

Monkey see monkey do as they say ;)

You mean the stock Wikimedia/Wikicommons image of a C64 on his website and the picture of somebody else's modified C64 with the DVD/CD drive door open on the left side? Yeah that inspires confidence :)

Ditto the fantasy render of a future possibility of some Amiga model imagined in the 90s produced by a stranger (who's signature and logo is removed from the stolen picture).

If you want to pay 100+ bucks extra for a low rent non-brand PC with a sticky label saying 'Commodore' or 'Amiga' on it and running an OS you can download for free.....then be my guest people :)

IF the guy actually had some custom cases designed and built for sale to modders, with an option of purchasing pre-built machines too like kit-car companies in the automotive industry I suppose, then I might have more respect for the asswipe.

I'm off to register a website with the name Commodore in it, nick some swish graphics from other websites, and proclaim the C64 is still alive (after printing some photoglossy labels I designed and sticking them on some piece of crap budget PCs direct from a Chinese warehouse now :)

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2010, 11:47:49 PM »
Quote from: Belial6;577749
Some people keep hammering on this.  All I can say is, good luck finding companies that you consider legitimate and respectful.

Do you refuse to with these non-legitimate respectful businesses?  Avoiding them would be like avoiding businesses that use gasoline.

In the context of the corporate world..

Legitimate = bonafide business with original IP, or fully licensed IP, for their products/services sold.

Respectful = obeying the various laws governing commerce.

That doesn't mean they are ethical or tree hugging UNICEF protagonists in the real world, just straightforward commercial entities.

I suspect BS Altman gets away with some things because the IP owners involved in some cases do not have the sort of money that Microsoft et al have to throw at lawyers and courtroom sessions basically. Doesn't mean it is right commercially or 100% legal.

And in a way, like most people, I purchase products based on the product sold not the company mantra evangelising some mission statement :)

Like I said if he came out with a C64C style case or an Amiga 3000 style case that you can drop in a Mini ITX board then fine, but he hasn't and he won't. As stated many times I don't believe the custom chips>CPU brute force situation of Amiga 1000 in 1985 will ever repeat itself in the computer world though so I don't expect anyone to come up with a true spiritual successor to the Amiga 1000. If anything that could only have happened on launch day for the Xbox 360 motherboard if it was licensed out to some company to build a home computer with and it had a superior OS designed for it than Windows and sold for half the cost of an identical PC in 2006 which could play games at DirectX 10 levels of detail @ 1080p just like an actual Xbox 360 did for 200 bucks here in the UK. But he is still just a furniture importer running some very shady business cashing in on the vintage cachet of 'Commodore' and 'Amiga' to me, and this will not change in the foreseeable future.

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2010, 11:55:34 PM »
Quote from: persia;577801
Apple is harder for me to avoid, we've got Mac in every room, plus iPods, iPads and iPhones plus a Mac Mini hooked to the TV, not to mention the fact that I run a bunch of Mac servers at work and support a Uni departmentntha is 80% Mac.  

Yes but that is mostly all work related, and what you choose to use for computing at home is your choice. Also you can even buy iPhone rip-offs from China that cost about 50 bucks on ebay, ditto for iPod touch rip-offs too. For 15% of the cost you get 90% of the functionality = WIN!

I use Windows, but then not for any love of Microsoft, it's for convenience for me. That doesn't mean I automatically rushed out and bought Vista or 7 though, neither of those 'upgrades' adds anything significant to XP for home users in general and I have a PS3 AND 360 for gaming needs anyway so who cares if it is DX10 or DX11. I'd rather have an extra 16gb free on my hard drive to use for storing nice things like movies and music not CAB/DLL files ;)

Ditto as much as I like Google as a company, their Chrome operating System has a joke of a user interface (a whole OS GUI based on the Chrome browser UI!) so count me out on that one too.

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Re: Amiga PCs on the way....
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2010, 03:39:25 AM »
Quote from: the-topdog;578539
I don't really blame the guy... instead of constructive comments on his business, he gets nothing but shit from the people he assumed would be happy.

Besides using someone-else's artwork, what did he do wrong?  He is just trying to run a business, not a hobby.

Negativeness breeds negativeness.  Just look at how his first interaction was calm but after the continual barbs and attacks his second response was terse.

The only two things I do not agree with him about is the artwork and his comments about Trademark infringement.

Well for a start he didn't even claim to be actually making a machine that looks like the image in the artwork.........which I suspect will turn out to be yet another hunk of shit far east PC with a 100% mark up to cover the cost of producing an "Amiga" sticky label lol

When he manufactures something even cosmetically relevant to the brand 'Commodore' or 'Amiga' rather than just geting some 50 cent labels of said brands made up to stick on some pile of shit butt ugly Chinese PCs running Linux/Windwos then we can talk again.

For now it's case closed as far as Mr Bullshit Altman goes :)

PS Commodore Cyprus (N) have today announced a new partnership deal to produce the Commodore Dimin....a totally unique, and cutting edge design, machine allowing you to relive the splendour of the Commodore 64 in these modern times with all the advantages that modern technology and modern form factor possibilities produce.

More info to follow shortly, get saving though, at only 99 bucks this is going to be the must have gift for your fellow Commodore fan this Xmas.....

(oooo now is this a joke comment or has someone found a way to out bullshit the king bullshitter LOL who knows!)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2010, 03:51:29 AM by Amiga_Nut »