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Author Topic: Timberwolf Alpha 1 released  (Read 12108 times)


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Offline Amiga_Nut

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Re: Timberwolf Alpha 1 released
« on: June 09, 2010, 10:59:58 PM »
Come on mate that's a bit rude considering it was just a quick video uploaded on day of release for people who don't have OS4 machines (99.999999% of the world!) AND the poster's other videos are not mobile phone aimed at screen type videos at all.

In general I agree with what you say but if people just want to see it running and it's been out less than a day I think there are nicer ways to ask for a direct output video to be uploaded.

Nice to see it in action anyway, thanks Doc :)

Offline Amiga_Nut

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Re: Timberwolf Alpha 1 released
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2010, 06:12:34 PM »
Quote from: Nlandas;564089
This is amazing news and makes me want an X1000 even more. Now, once Firefox is in the can, how about someone start on OpenOffice?

I mean - OpenOffice, Firefox and a good email client and you have a machine that does the majority of what users need a machine to do.

All you need to sell a machine to 95% of users worldwide is the following...

Something like MS Office (even though nobody actually uses it more than once a decade except students and office workers...most of which have to use Windows for one reason or another)

Full featured browser that does everything Google chrome does and just as fast (facebook/youtube HD/Java/JS/Flash/HTML 5.0 etc).

Media player that can fully utilise every component of the 'Vista Codec Pack' or VLC

Torrent client....goes hand in hand with above.

Windows Live Messenger client

That's about it really as people play games on Consoles,which is why full price PC games market is in the toilet and EA will probably give up on it soon at this rate, and the other CPU intensive tasks like rendering complex animations in Maya cover the tiny minority of oct/quad core PC builders.

Trouble is price, x1000 is not a mass market machine, not even close when an xbox 360 PPC Xenon + x1900 motherboard chimes in at $200 or something. People expect 5x the performance for 5x the cost, fact of life.

So the OS alone won't make Amiga come back to life no matter how awesome it is, the hardware worth laying down cash for by 95% of the world hasn't been made yet.

I hope there is an x500 in development for $500 and a built in GPU onboard ;)