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Author Topic: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?  (Read 19856 times)


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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #14 from previous page: January 25, 2009, 09:33:58 PM »
>by shoggoth on 2009/1/23 9:37:31

>>amigaksi wrote:
>>Good so you agee you do need to synchronize emulation to the electron beam. This translates to having something that can time things at 3.58Mhz or greater. But you're wrong that it's used in most emulators as there's no way to run the corresponding number of cycles with respect to their own clocks without an accurate timer. Remember that current processors based on caching, power management, dynamic frequency shifts, etc. can give different cycle counts running the same exact code.

>"Cycles" in this case is the number of cycles the hardware in question would have completed given a particular number of pixels...

>It's like this. You know how many cycles a particular subsystem would complete during e.g. 16 pixels. In case of the CPU, let's say it's 4. Another hypothetical device completes 12 cycles during the same time span...
certain number of cycles for each task. If the granularity is right, the behavior and interaction between the subsystems in the emulator will equal that of their hardware counterparts. You've achieved cycle accuracy in the emulated context.

I agree in the "emulated context" (fake time) you have (basically everything was done in order).  The only problem you would have in the emulated context is if the cycles become fractional for a subsystem.  However, this is not cycle accuracy if the time elapsed makes a difference like in the audio example I gave or even in the VHPOSR if timing adds up to a critical value.

>>If on an Atari 800, I plot a pixel each time the CRT reaches point A, B, C, etc. on the screen, it resolves to a certain frequency. That frequency will not be the same if you use FAKE time.

>In the emulated context - and that's what we're discussing - it'll have the same frequency as the original. The application cannot detect the difference, nor does the user - given that the emulator runs fast enough.

The application cannot detect the difference but user can if the elapsed time for the cycle makes a difference.  You are synching up during refresh but humans can detect much higher frequencies than 60Hz especially for audio and even the 60Hz has latency and may be phase shifted and not exactly 60Hz (which it is not in NTSC).

>I claim that it's possible to emulate an Amiga or a A800 percectly accurate - and the definition of accurate in this case means A: the software can't tell the difference between an emulated machine and a real one, and B: the user perceives the framerate, response time etc. as a real machine.

This is where we differ; user may get close to the real framerate (depends on hardware support), but response time will always have the minimum of 1/60 latency.  And other things will also have latency or be perceived to be different depending on hardware support.

>I suspect that your definition is a comparison in real time - where the emulated machine won't be perfectly in sync with a "real" one at any given moment. Problem is, this is not even true for two "real" machines, given different hardware revisions, CPUs - it's not even true for two identical machines due to clock drifting.

Sorry, but if you do Copper-based, IRQ-based, Audio Intr-based, etc. operations on any Amiga (OCS, ECS, AGA), you are in-sync on a per cycle basis.  Yes, the CPU varies in speed, but your emulation is not just a CPU speed enhancer.  No clock drifting in Copper, IRQs, Audio Interrupts, and other things based on their hardware spec.

>...calculated while another one is being replayed. This causes a slight sound latency, depending on buffer size. Given that the sound emulation catches register changes at a per sample basis, it'll sound like the original. On top of that you can apply filters etc. to mimic analog filters etc. present on the original sound hardware. Faster systems can have a smaller buffer, and hence less latency, naturally.

Latency is always there unless you are doing cycle by cycle emulation in real-time AND your hardware supports similar audio registers to that on the Amiga.  Another problems is that you don't know what the user may modify dynamically so you don't know which registers to buffer up.

>But the emulator will know the timing of the IRQ/Copper and the audio circuitry - in relation to eachother. It doesn't do that by keeping some hardware timer, it does so by keeping track of the cycle count of each subsystem. That cycle count is then synchronized to "real life" by means of throttling, at regular intervals.

If it does not buffer it up, it needs an accurate timer.  If it can guess to buffer up, it has latency.

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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2009, 09:42:34 PM »
>by ChaosLord on 2009/1/23 9:52:42

>>I claim that it's possible to emulate an Amiga or a A800 percectly accurate

>Of course it is possible. Just because it has never actually happened does not mean that it is not possible.

His definition of emulation is the ATTEMPT to mimic the machine and for it to be accurate all its cycles (using fake time) of various subsystems are in chronological order in right ratios.  Then the "MAGICAL" WM_TIMER will come and put everything in real-time order and you won't notice the difference from the real machine.

>I claim that it is possible to move from point A to point B at 256x the speed of light. Just because it has never actually happened does not mean that it is not possible.

He was taking it out of context; I stated that it's impossible to emulate the Atari/Amiga given the standard PC hardware like 1.19Mhz timer, 2-channel audio card, zero sprites, etc.  Taking your example, traveling from A to B at 256X the speed of light IS impossible using today's rocket.  

Sorry, for the delay in replying but this thread has a latency of 1 year.  
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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2009, 09:48:05 PM »
>Amigaski - I do get what you're after - but you've got the terms "emulation" and "cycle accuracy" wrong. I go by the common definition, and you clearly have your own one. Check wikipedia, for example. It'll confirm my definition of the word "emulator".

One more thing; it's not my definition.  Emulate means to equal or excel in the dictionary.  And this thread is discussing whether emulation is better than the real thing so my definition makes sense.  Cycle accuracy can also mean 1/7.16Mhz (140 ns).
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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2009, 11:07:20 AM »
>You obviously don't know how to read a dictionary either.


"to try to equal of surpass; imitate so as to excel: to emulate the success of great writers." - Page 258, Dictionary by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

>In the context of computers, emulation does *not* mean "to equal or excel". You've chosen a definition intended for *behavioral* *science*, and while that might suit your twisted view of things, it's about as wrong as things get.

It doesn't say it's behavioral science in the dictionary.  Regardless, isn't the defintion I quoted what people assume when they hear "PC can emulate the Amiga in a cycle-exact manner."

>EDIT: Don't blame me for getting of topic. I'm merely trying to correct some *very* inaccurate posts about how emulators work. I find that highly relevant in this context.

I don't know which posts you are referring to.  All my posts are accurate given the definition above.  If I take your definition, then it gets silly-- Atari 800 can emulate a Pentium IV, Quad core given enough time.
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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2009, 11:14:32 AM »
>>If you had the Amiga VBI perfectly synched to PC VBI, than you would be resynching every 1/60 second, but still what happens in between those refreshes will be out of sync given different cycles times. Usually, PC VBI isn't the same rate as Amiga VBI and PC emulation has the latency to begin with and may also be out of phase.

>I'm not even sure anything you just said made any sense... But hey ho... I can easily run my gfx cards at 60hz, then use the gfx card's VBI to sync the emulation's virtual VBI to the real world... That would give me a nice NTSC emulation. But if I want a 50hz interrupt for PAL emulation, then I would run the gfx card at 100hz and sync the emulation every two real frames.

NTSC rate isn't exactly 60Hz, it's more like 60/1.001.  And anyway, your video card isn't doing 262.5 scanlines per field nor is a user response showing up in same time as on emulator given the buffer approach.  

>Given the fact that re granularity of this system is based on the frame rate, since a human being's senses are being refreshed at 50/60hz on both the real and emulated Amiga (and the fact that a PC can do all work that a real Amiga can normally do in 25ms, in ~1ms so it spends most of it's time just waiting for the sync), the emulation and real Amiga will be in the same state WRT the user at all times. This really is elementary stuff...

Not true so not elementary.  For example, if Amiga moves a screen full of sprites in a few microseconds, the PC will take much longer since most video cards can't update their display in a few microseconds so emulators will hope that time will be made up for by other things.  Our senses aren't being refreshed at 60Hz on real Amiga but higher frequency.  Only display is around 50/60Hz.
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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2009, 11:20:13 AM »
by shoggoth on 2009/1/27 4:40:38

amigaksi wrote:
>>He was taking it out of context; I stated that it's impossible to emulate the Atari/Amiga given the standard PC hardware like 1.19Mhz timer, 2-channel audio card, zero sprites, etc. Taking your example, traveling from A to B at 256X the speed of light IS impossible using today's rocket.

>You don't need sprites to emulate sprites accurately. You don't need for channel audio to emulate four channel audio. You don't need a timer to emulate something with an accuracy of one cycle.

Yes, you do for all three of your statements above.  I recently timed how long a field takes on an Amiga in interlaced and non-interlaced mode.  How would your word jugglery of the word "interleave" come up with the correct answer (barring you hard-code it)?

>You would know that if you actually checked how emulators are written today - something you've refused to do - probably because it would fundamentally contradict your earlier statements.

You are being vague.  I have stuck to my position for many years now although in the process HPET got introduced and Vista came out.
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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2009, 05:58:38 PM »
>by shoggoth on 2009/1/27 6:23:15

>>"to try to equal of surpass; imitate so as to excel: to emulate the success of great writers." - Page 258, Dictionary by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

>Hmm.... I wonder which definition that applies to this discussion.

Whichever a person understands when he reads a statement "PC can emulate Amiga with cycle-accuracy."  I understood it as what I quoted.  If it's just an attempt, it's trivial then.

>You'd have to be a complete moron not to understand that it does, especcially when there is an additional definition for the word when used in the context of *computers*.

Your insults don't help nor do your straw-man arguments.  Words are defined by their context.  People I know threw away their Amigas because of the way they understood the misleading remarks.


I have also read many articles on wikipedia and other internet sources that are wrong.  I rather trust a published dictionary.

>>I don't know which posts you are referring to. All my posts are accurate given the definition above. If I take your definition, then it gets silly-- Atari 800 can emulate a Pentium IV, Quad core given enough time.

>That's taken out of context. In theory the statement is true, given enough time and memory - that was the point of it. In practice it's completely retarded. Just like some posters in this forum.

Your insults don't help nor do your straw-man arguments.  If you can't deal with the facts, that's your problem.  I already told you I don't accept your definition.  Atari CANNOT emulate a Pentium IV, Quad core-- there's no way to execute two instructions simultaneously amongst other things.

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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2009, 06:01:26 PM »
>by ChaosLord on 2009/1/27 8:43:29

>Yes I was thinking of 2D games. Most Amiga games are 2D.

>I would assume that most 3D games and some 2D games use double buffering.
There are problems with double buffering as well...  And if the user interacts, then the latency effect won't get buffered whereas the video/audio is still buffered.

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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2009, 06:04:09 PM »
>A modern gfx chip can redraw an entire screen, perform thausands of blitter operations and render a 3D scene... At many times the resolution of the Amiga in far less time than it takes for an Amiga to update the sprite registers...

You need to calculate this out and you'll see that modern graphics cards cannot redraw an entire screen (repaint).  If they have built-in similar hardware sprite-type stuff, they can probably keep up.
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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2009, 06:09:48 PM »
>by shoggoth on 2009/1/27 6:39:12

>>You are being vague. I have stuck to my position for many years now although in the process HPET got introduced and Vista came out.

>No. I entered this discussion because:
>A: You make claims about how emulators work.
>B: Those claims are completely wrong.

You haven't shown any of my claims to be wrong.  You just have a different definition of cycle-accuracy and emulation.  All of my statements are proven.

>I've got a question for you, Amigaski:
>A: You know how emulators work internally, and therefore your statements about emulators are true.
>B: You don't know how emulators work internally, but you do know for a fact that your statements are true anyway.

>Which one is it, Amigaski? A or B?

I already answered this.  It's C-- I know how the PC works and Amiga works so I know whether some Amiga function can be emulated on the PC.  It's called deductive logic-- not straw man argument or insult like you use.  Here's a simpler example, I know for a fact that Gameport joystick on PC takes 1 ms to read using port 201h (directly read port).  I know Amiga joystick read takes, a few microseconds.  Thus, you cannot emulate an Amiga joystick on PC using PC joystick.  It'll never EQUAL OR EXCEL it.

Same claims I made using timers with 1.19Mhz timer vs. 7.16Mhz cycle accuracy and other claims.
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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2009, 07:16:19 PM »
>>You need to calculate this out and you'll see that modern graphics cards cannot redraw an entire screen (repaint). If they have built-in similar hardware sprite-type stuff, they can probably keep up.

>Sorry amigaski, I hate to use the phrase "you're wrong", but you really are... The weakest gfx card I own is able to push 3.4Gigabytes per second... The amiga struggles to keep up with 2megabytes per second and this is using AGA!!! The Amiga is Very Old technology, it is very slow and lacks the resolution and colour depth of modern hardware... It can't compare!

Latest NVidia card I used does about 200MB/second in repainting screens.  AGA machine like low-end 30Mhz A4000 does over 4MB/second easily.  But that wasn't the point-- the point was emulating sprite hardware not raw drawing capability.  If you have a sprite overlay on top of an image-- let's say a curtain of size 352*240 and you move the curtain, the Amiga does it in a few microseconds, whereas your graphics card will be repainting the screen and take much longer.  I can compute the exact figure for you if you need it...
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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2009, 07:18:27 PM »
>Give up. There cannot be any constructive outcome from a discussion with someone with such an approach...

Why do you blindly accept his false statements?  So far you have yet to prove the earth is round according to your subjective approach.  If you take it subjectively, most people would agree earth is flat according to their observations.  Unless you can find some people who have seen the earth as a WHOLE.
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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2009, 07:21:25 PM »
>by shoggoth on 2009/1/28 7:51:38


amigaksi wrote:
>by shoggoth on 2009/1/27 6:39:12

>>You are being vague. I have stuck to my position for many years now although in the process HPET got introduced and Vista came out.

>No. I entered this discussion because:
>A: You make claims about how emulators work.
>B: Those claims are completely wrong.

You haven't shown any of my claims to be wrong. You just have a different definition of cycle-accuracy and emulation. All of my statements are proven.

>I've got a question for you, Amigaski:
>A: You know how emulators work internally, and therefore your statements about emulators are true.
>B: You don't know how emulators work internally, but you do know for a fact that your statements are true anyway.

>Which one is it, Amigaski? A or B?

>>I already answered this. It's C-- I know how the PC works and Amiga works so I know whether some Amiga function can be emulated on the PC. It's called deductive logic-- not straw man argument or insult like you use. Here's a simpler example, I know for a fact that Gameport joystick on PC takes 1 ms to read using port 201h (directly read port). I know Amiga joystick read takes, a few microseconds. Thus, you cannot emulate an Amiga joystick on PC using PC joystick. It'll never EQUAL OR EXCEL it.

>>Same claims I made using timers with 1.19Mhz timer vs. 7.16Mhz cycle accuracy and other claims.


>Sorry for the long quote.

>Amigaski, you're twisting the truth. You invent your own definitions - none of which are in line with that of the rest of the world. You deliberately use definitions intended for completely different contexts. You simply do whatever to support your claims rather than accepting the fact that you're wrong. This is especially retarded considering that we're discussing an area of which you yourself admit that you have no real knowledge. You're simply amazing on your own very special way.

I did not invent the definition.  I didn't twist the truth-- I'm sticking to my definition.  It's retarded to say that Atari 800 can emulate P4-Quad core given time and memory.  I never said I have no knowledge of emulators-- I have written some emulators as well for joysticks, mice, keyboards, etc.
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Re: Is Amiga Emulation better than the real thing?
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2009, 07:24:42 PM »
>by dammy on 2009/1/27 18:43:11


Sorry bloodline, I hate to use the phrase "you're wrong", but you really are... The weakest Amiga I own is able to push a lot more than 2 megabytes per second.


>I'll bite, how many MBPS in what slowest Amiga?

We're not talking raw memory to graphics memory update speed.  Even if you consider without sprites, there's blitter and then there's the scroll/graphics memory pointer registers which can be updated in a few microseconds and those things are non-standard in modern graphics cards so you end up repainting the screen which would be slower.

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