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Author Topic: Just home with an Amiga 3000  (Read 2961 times)


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Just home with an Amiga 3000
« on: December 02, 2007, 10:29:27 PM »
Hate to brag, but I just got home with an A3000.  Paid €190 ($280) for it, and I believe it was a steal:

Extra floppy drive, a shopping bag full of disks (and the contents they may have).  But, prior to firing it up, it must be opened.  The first thing I noticed was this weird-looking PSU.  Anyone here know anything about this one?


Next thing I noticed was the computer's serial number: 5605.  Sounds low, doesn't it?

Further inside the computer I also discovered a beautiful, all-minty-looking Adriane ethernet card (BNC+TP), and a Cybervision64.

I haven't booted the machine yet, so I have no idea what kind of CPU it has, amount of memory, etc.  I'll hook it up tomorrow and have a look (to my defense: it's way past bed-time ;D)

Anyway, I just want to sum it up with a large YAY!  Finally I have a real A3000, real scandoubling and then some :-)
Code 6502 asm or... DIE!!

[C64, C128, A500, A600, A1200, A3000, MBP+Mini, Efika/MOS2.1, Sam440 w/AOS4.1