they are both useful tools. what you can't do on amiga you can do on your amiga/pc! i was annoyed at how incompatible an a1200 can be till whdload but then i tried alot of games. where as some people may have not. 1/1 graphics on breathless are glitchy on my 40/28 2/2 are fine so i may go for pc emulation of that game. when i find an involving game i forget what i am using. any other high end amiga games may be the same.
i just downloaded amigasys and it was pretty dam good. i finally got to use an amiga browser on the web. although i was disapointed it didn't like some things webwise... i may not use it again. as i'd worry about safety and it runs a little slow on an 800mhz machine. (come on new lappy!) but it's always there.
i strangely would like to use an amiga for audio sequencing. a long term dream. and some writing. i feel more productive in front of it! where as at my pc's i sometimes think "oh i can't be bothered." i don't think a even modern pc can emulate high end audio sequencing effectively so i would need new hardware for that. (come on new hardware! 8-))