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Author Topic: Loosing faith in the Amiga "community", like so many before me  (Read 22272 times)


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Offline Orgin

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Yes MikeB you are right. The community a vocaled by so many assholes that it is starting (And has been for the last 2 years) to hold no interrest at all to me as well. The Amiga was once to me about the community, the good creative people. But there are very few such people left.  Atleast looking at the people posting at Amiga.org, Ann and Moo Bunny. It's a shame that it has fallen down into this stench hole.  The assholes will make it fall down on itself, with small groups holding each others backs, biting everyone else outside as often as they can. And sad enough, that is perhaps exacly what the assholes want. And those who don't will never understand that it's not about what AInc, Thendic, Hyperion, H&P etc etc has done or is doing, but how they themselves are acting.

Ohh well, why stand by a rotten corpse. Perhaps there are other communities out there that is about fun and creativity and not about what they hate.
