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Author Topic: The death of gaming consoles?  (Read 7367 times)


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Offline AJCopland

Re: The death of gaming consoles?
« on: February 13, 2013, 01:50:48 PM »
I dunno, I don't think console gaming will look quite the same as it does today but everyones been predicting the death of everything forever :)

Look at the PC and the spate or articles over the last few years about how it's "dead", then look at the success of Indies and PC titles in the same last few years.

The next Xbox might require installation and always one connection but if there's any push against that then they'll relent just as they did with the resolution requirements with the Xbox360. A lot of stores have also told them flat out that 2nd hand sales are a requirement if they want them to stock the next Xbox at all. Same goes for the PS3.

Interesting consoles like the Ouya with it's 1 year update cycle are what really interest me. Much cheaper than a PC, backwards compatible, fixed target to develop for but updated every year so you don't get the RIDICULOUS 7+ year cycle like the Xbox360/PS3. Quite a good compromise proposition between the PC and traditional consoles - more open to develop for as well.

The traditional consoles won't die off though, they'll adapt, rapidly if they must. There's too many billions of dollars/pounds/euros/etc of development and talent behind them.

Be Positive towards the Amiga community!

Offline AJCopland

Re: The death of gaming consoles?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2013, 04:15:09 PM »
Quote from: ChuckT;726355
The day I can't own my games and have to play games over the internet is the day I stop buying from any of the companies that dares to try it.

The trouble with this is that it's not entirely in your hands.
You'll still have the PC but Window 8's app-store shows the way MS wants to go pretty clearly.

First it'll be the consoles that will go download only, it'll be sweetened by the fact that you'll be able to go around to your friends house, logon to their console with them and BAM! Instant access to the games that you own so you can both play. They want a copy too? Sure just buy it right there and then from a handy link whilst you continue playing until you go home. Awesomesauce right?

Then Windows8/9 will tighten it's grip and you'll only be able to run software from it's app store or "legacy" software which are sandboxed off and denied access to certain minor things like DirectX 12. I don't know if they'll totally kill none windows-app-store programs, I doubt it, but it'll be less comfortable.

So will a PC running Linux be the last bastion of gaming? I'm sure Steam will help it's gaming credentials... oh wait, that's downloaded titles too. Hmm.

My only real surprise is that this generation of consoles will have physical media at all, but then large parts of the USA still far behind with their broadband rollout and it kinda makes sense. They'd lose 30% of their customers right there. That and people use them for watching DVDs/Blu-Ray etc.

It all seems to be going download only, if only eventually.

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